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Messages - fourseasonsflorida

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45g Coronata Restinga and 15g Grimal have been sold.

What's left:
7g Red Hybrids (close to fruiting) $150 each (3 available)
25g Sabara (already fruited) $450
15g Ponderosa Lemon tree $120

If you still have it this summer I'll buy the restinga. Just am held up until then.

Everything will be gone by the end of May as I'm moving by then.

I so wish I could buy that restinga from you.  Beautiful tree

As Jimmy Cliff said, "You can get it if you really want..."

Coronata Restinga 45g now $600
Sabara 25g now $400
Grimal 15g now $100
Red hybrids 7g now $150

This is what I still have.  PM me and we can discuss by phone or text.  Local sales only.

Updated (lower) prices.

Still have plants available.  I will not ship.  Thanks

45g Coronata Restinga - flowered for the first time earlier this year.  Stands about 8ft tall with the pot.

25g Sabara - has been fruiting for about a year; beautiful shape.  Stands about 8ft tall with the pot.

15g Red Hybrid and grafted Grimal - this plant has a Red Hybrid rootstock with both Red and Grimal grafted to it.  So one main trunk is Grimal, the other Red Hybrid.  Fruited for the first time this spring.  Stands about 5ft high.

15g Grimal - probably about 4-5 years old from seed.  About 3ft high.

7g Red Hybrids (3 available) - these are probably about a year away from fruiting based on the size.  Beautiful healthy plants.  About 3ft high.
$150 each

Also have 2 7g Arabica coffee plants for $50 each.

Please see my Craigslist ad for details and pics.  I’m in Titusville, FL.  Local pickup only.  Please pm if interested, thanks.

Still available.  Willing to negotiate, especially if multiple plants are purchased.

I have a collection of jaboticabas I am selling because I'm moving soon and can't take them with me.  Local pickup only.  Here's the full list:

45g Coronata Restinga - flowered for the first time a couple months ago; didn't set any fruit but should next time.  Stands about 8ft tall with the pot.

25g Sabara - has been flowering and fruiting for about a year; beautiful shape.  Stands about 8ft tall with the pot.

15g Red Hybrid and grafted Grimal - this plant has a Red Hybrid rootstock with both Red and Grimal grafted to it.  So one main trunk is Grimal, the other Red Hybrid.  Fruited for the first time this spring.  Stands about 5ft high.

15g Grimal - probably about 4-5 years old from seed.  Very nice plant.  About 4ft high.

7g Red Hybrids (3 available) - these are probably about a year away from fruiting based on the size.  Beautiful healthy plants.  About 3ft high.
$200 each

Still plenty of red hybrid jabos available.  PM if you’re interested.  Thanks

I have about 30 Red Hybrid Jaboticaba plants in 1g to 3g size; 1yr to 3yr old from seed.  I am moving in 4 weeks and need to sell everything. 

1g plants are $5
3g plants are $20
I also have one 15g plant that is already fruiting size. I can sell for $400 OBO.  It is actually a Red Hybrid grafted with Grimal, so one main part of the trunk is Red Hybrid, another main trunk is Grimal.

I am in Titusville, FL.  PM me and we can go from there.  I would love to give someone an awesome deal if they want to buy everything at once.

Still interested in your 25g, Acetogenin.  Sent you a PM, but never rec'd a response.  LMK, thanks

You should aim for a fruiting Red vs. a Sabara IMHO (if you don't already have a fruiting red).  A Sabara will typically fruit in a 25g while you can get a red to fruit in a 7g or even smaller... and they are much more productive as well.  However, I just had my first ever Sabara fruit in a 25g and it would be hard to let it go... I still find the Sabara to be the most beautiful in form/growth habit :)

I just posted about this on the Jaboholics Anonymous thread, but worth posting here.

I have a Coronata Restinga I got from Adam back in 2017 with a metal tag dated 12-5-12, therefore must be from the same source (Ray/Jabomano).  I've been growing it since then and just potted it up into a 45g.  It has not yet flowered or fruited, but it has a trunk diameter of about 2.5 inches and height w/out pot of about 7ft.

This thread indicates that Ray planted seeds 12-5-12 and the plants had grown to a height of 5ft fruiting trees in 15g about three years later.  This is incredible growth rate for any jaboticaba!  Do we have confirmation that actual fruit were harvested in that timeframe?  Sorry for my skepticism, but based on the fact I have one now in a 45 gallon that still hasn't fruited...

Some pics of mine in a 25g before potting up:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Jaboticabaholics Anonymous
« on: April 05, 2022, 02:40:43 PM »
How do the Crown 1,2, or 3 varieties compare to the Coronata Restinga?  I have a Restinga that I bought from Adam in 2015, probably in a 2g.  I just potted it up from a 25g into a 45g and the thing still hasn't fruited.  The metal tag on it has a date of 12-5-12 so I'm estimating it's about 10 years old from seed at this point.  It stands over 6ft high without the pot and has a trunk diameter of about 2.5 inches.

I've grown it in partial sun under a live oak, but I'm thinking maybe I should put it in more full sun and give it some bat guano, or???  It's a beautiful tree.  My son's favorite jabo in the collection because of the beautiful form and my wife won't let me get rid of it, God bless her. :)

According to another thread , Restinga is supposed to fruit sooner than other Coronatas, like 5-7 years, so this beauty has to fruit soon... pics before I potted it up into the 45g.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Jaboticabaholics Anonymous
« on: April 05, 2022, 01:29:46 PM »
I know this is totally unimpressive, but for me it's a milestone, since I never had a Sabara that fruited before.  I've been growing the reds for about 8 years and harvested lots of fruit.

I bought this Sabara as an oversized plant in a 3g about 3 years ago and now is in a 25g.  Just harvested the first fruit.  It was fully colored, although after I picked it, I noticed a tiny wisp of green on one portion - should have waited another couple days.  Wasn't bad, but had a little astringency to it.  Still, it was a good feeling to finally get a taste and it fruited earlier than I expected!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Pitangatuba hand-pollination
« on: April 04, 2022, 12:49:47 PM »
I have one in Central Florida that I got as a seedling back in 2017 as well.  I just moved it from a 7g to a 15g.  I planted it in the ground a couple years ago, but it did poorly there (likely because of the large oaks around it crowding the roots) so I dug it back out and it took about a year to recover but is now doing well potted.  It has flowered before but only set one or two fruit from what I remember.  Now it is flowering more than ever.  I only have the one plant and based on what I've heard and experienced, it seems it would do better with cross-pollination. 

I will have to try the hand pollination.  If some fruit set this time, I will update this post with a pic.  I am fortunate in general that my neighbor two doors down has bees.

I have an oversized 25gallon that may belong in a 45 gal in near future.  Fruits a ton year round.

In treasure coast 1 hr south of you (send PM)

PM sent, Acetogenin - thanks.

A Natural Farm just had tons out at their booth @ Leu Gardens plant sale.  I’d bet they have more and some bigger ones potentially.

I was over in the Howie in the Hills area last week and went by A Natural Farm.  The biggest reds they sell are 3 gallons, but they had a lot of nice ones and they know what they're doing as far as the growing medium.  I picked up a couple 3g and I estimate they will be fruiting size within the next year or two.  At $50 a piece, the price wasn't bad either.

Thanks for the tip, Rex!  I just picked up a couple reds in 3 and 7g from Our Kids Nursery, but I will check A Natural Farm as well.

Looking for 7, 15, or 25g size red hybrid jaboticaba plant in East Coast Florida or Orlando area.  Please let me know what you have and price, thanks.

Sold all red hybrid and yellow jabos.  I'm keeping the other jabos.  Everything else is still for sale.

I'm located in Titusville, FL - I will not ship, just selling via local pickup. 

Deleted, everything sold.

Sold the 15g Lychee and updated post.

I'm located in Titusville, FL - I will not ship, just selling via local pickup.  Will be moving in a few months and selling the following:

2 Red Hybrid Jaboticabas in 15g pots - both have been fruiting for years and stand about 6 feet tall in the pots - $400 each.

25g Coronata Restinga that has been growing for 10 years and is now in a 25g pot (but desperately needs to go in to a 45g or in the ground).  The Coronata has not fruited yet, but is due anytime based on the age.  Stands about 8ft high including the pot.  I'm selling it for $600.

25g Red Hybrid jabo (also desperately needs to go into a 45g or the ground).  Fruits prolifically year round.  I'm selling it for $800.

25g Sabara jabo which has already fruited.  Selling for $400

15g Yellow Jabo for $200

5g Grimal Jabo for $100.

Lots of seedling Red Jabos

7g Pitangatuba $80

(2) 7g Coffee Arabica plants $50 each

5g Seedless Pineapple Orange tree $80 (really needs to go into a 15g)

3 varieties of Muscadine grape in 5g pots or larger:
Granny Val 5g for $40
Dixie Red 5g for $40
Ison 15g for $60

Black Suriname Cherry (tastes MUCH better than the common red fruited plant)
3g for $30
1g for $10

Arabica Coffee plants
7g for $50

Grumichama (variety from Australia)
1g for $20

Red jabo seedlings
1g for $10
Smaller plants free if you buy other stuff!

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