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Topics - JonM

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I recently had my mango tree trimmed off to its largest branches which effectively defoliated it. It had been suffering from various diseases and insect infestations in its foliage which rendered it completely unproductive. Now that leaf flushes have started to come back, some nasty critter is once again starting to trim off twigs. I have found a beetle quite a while back. Could this be the culprit? (see picture below)

By the way, during the time when the mango was leafless, my nearby pomegranate shrub had a few of its branches trimmed off. Is it possible that it may also have been responsible for that?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What afflicted the sugar apple?
« on: April 09, 2019, 04:39:07 AM »
Some of my fruits have been ruined with these coverings that has the texture of an ant mound which is also very hard to remove since it is binded by a white sticky fibrous "substance", whatever that may be. Is this caused by some kind of borer? Is the remainder of the fruit good to eat?

I have planted seeds from a large marang fruit with mild odour. One seed in particular looks like it had sprouted several shoots although it is growing at a slower pace compared to seeds that produced only one as shown in one of the pictures below. Is this polyembryony? And if so, is this quite common among Marangs and Artocarpus species in general? Can this also be a possible source of clones like those in polyembryonic mangoes?

Why has that section been flooded with lots of advertisements lately? Has it not been maintained? Calling the attention of admins and moderators

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What are these spots on my pomegranate?
« on: January 15, 2018, 12:13:30 AM »
What are these spots on the leaves of my pomegranate? Is this a bacterial or fungal infection? I have sprayed Phytosan ADBAC on my plants and pruned it severely yet these spots keep coming back. Older leaves are more affected and these often fall off. New leaves also get distorted shapes. What can be done? I know my place does not have the ideal climate so that may be a factor.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Large Earthquake Struck Costa Rica
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:07:25 PM »
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake has just struck Costa Rica. It seems the region has gotten multiple big shakes in a relatively short period of time. We hope our fellow forum members affected are unscathed. Stay safe!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Deformed New Leaves on Young Jabuticaba
« on: November 07, 2017, 02:22:16 AM »
Hello, this is my first post in this board. I have a Jabuticaba which is around a year old. Recently, it has stopped making new flushes of leaves for a relatively long period of time after putting out new growth at a regular pace. I therefore put a few beads of complete fertilizer to the soil around the plant. It later made an extensive flush of new but deformed leaves, though not all leaves exhibited that characteristic. A few deformed ones even turned brown and fell off. Does the Jabuticaba need a period of dormancy even in a fully tropical climate? What should I do?


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