Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles

Spider mites on my sweet potatoes?


My thriving sweet potatoes have an area of dying leaves with webs over the top of them. Does this look like a spider mite infestation?

In my experience, spider mites do not create such a major web. It looks more like tent caterpillars from your photo. If so, you should find little caterpillars inside, in the process of growing bigger. A brief google search shows that tent caterpillars do grow on sweet potatoes.

Thank you very much for the suggestion Erica. Initial Google searches had turned up only spider mites but encouraged by your post, I hunted a little more and also found bagworms and webworms in addition to tent caterpillars. The webworms may be another candidate as they tend to form webs over leaves rather than a nest in the nodes of branches produced by tent caterpillars. I didn't find caterpillars or pupae on the leaves so it is still a mystery. I'll have to look closer and see what I can find.

I've seen spidermites to that degree before. Could very well be, look for sawdust looking droppings on surrounding leaves.


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