Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

PSA: Tropical fruit tasting event in Tampa Bay

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Sorry if this isn't allowed, but I thought this would apply to a lot of you.

There's a store in my area that sells a ton of tropical fruit trees and they're hosting an event this weekend to let people taste a ton of different fruits. I've always wanted to try things like jakfruit and durian, and I'm happy to do it without having to spend a fortune getting it shipped here or something.

Anyway, details here:

Thanks Weboh. Jene usually has a nice variety of mango trees brought in
for the event.

I went to this today and it was awesome! There were great recipes to sample made from different fruit, and there were also mangoes for sale, so I will be able to soon try LZ and OS. There was also fruit to taste, and I got to try for the first time ever Soursop and Durian. Soursop was great and, how strange. Those around me had a similar reaction to trying it. It was like, oh man, this smells funky but I've got to taste it, oh man, it kinda tastes funky like it smells, I don't think I like this at all, what's the hype for, oh man, that was delicious, I want more! It all kicked into gear in the aftertaste of the first bite, which was wild. Thanks to Jene's Tropicals for the event!

I went a bit later in the day and unfortunately most of the fruit was gone. I don't think they anticipated how many people would be there! Hard to find a parking spot and even harder to find an employee. I did get to try durian and jakfruit though. Don't much care for durian. After a few bites I liked jakfruit though. Dunno if I liked it enough to plant a tree. The people who say it tastes like pineapple are crazy though.

I did like the mangoes though. They taste better than the kind they sell at the store. Definitely getting a mango tree.

We were there early today and bought a bunch of mangoes (fruit). Mostly Lemon Zest and Orange Sherbet. I did not see any durian. But after we left Jene's we went to one of our favorite Asian markets and picked up a Musan King Durian (rare - one of the top varieties of Durian from Malaysia). It was absolutely amazing.


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