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Topics - Mango_Seed

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Seed exchanging in geocaches
« on: August 20, 2019, 10:40:58 PM »
I have never geocached or exchanged seeds, but I wonder if they might benefit each other in combination? Some sites might work as seed exchanges. Some sites might work as plant a seed or seedling and lets see if it survives? Some sites night be small food forests and might get bigger and more nice using a geocache. I don't know? Just an idea I had a last week.

Perhaps if Styrofoam was OD Green instead of white it would not blow around the neighborhood and be a eye sore but could be used like perlite in a soil mix? Patent Pending.

I'm interested in tropical fruits & plants less likely to attract & be eaten by animals & people. Some plants may be less attractive if the have poisonous leaves for example like rhubarb. Some may have a strong smell like mint, rosemary or garlic. Some may be not grown commercially. Some might not ship well. Some might look strange. Some may be grown in a foreign land. Some may be hard to pick when properly ripe. Some may stay green and not be noticed. Some might be unfamiliar to the general public and wildlife.

I noticed the iguana near me do not eat my mango tree seedlings, everglade tomato, mustard greens, peanuts, acai palm tree seedling or Jamaican strawberry tree fruit.

I am mostly concerned about iguana, ducks, racoons, birds, and people, but here is a website on Deer Resistant Plants and Flowers to Grow in your Garden

If you know of any other resistant edible plants I'd like to hear about it.   

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Refractometer
« on: August 06, 2019, 07:26:39 PM »
I have never used a refractometer before and was wondering about them. I guess most people on this forum would check the sugar level of a fruit with one.

I have read some people smell mango seedlings before they decide whether to chop them down or not in their breeding program.

(1) Could a refractometer get a useful reading off a mango seedling leaf or sap from a stem?

(2) Can a refractometer be used to identify the clone of a polyembryonic seedling?

(3) What do you do you use a refractometer for?

(4) Why do I need one?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Room for 12 Trees Max
« on: July 31, 2019, 02:45:24 AM »
What are the tropical fruit staples or varieties that you would focus on if you could only harvest 12 trees a year on your property? Do you pick 3 trees to harvest n January 2 trees in Feb., 1 in March, .... ? Or do you pick 12 trees which have a very long season. Or a little bit of both? Maybe you plant 12 types of Mangos? Maybe you would plant 6 Sweet Tart mango trees and 6 coconut cream? Or  1 black sapote, , 1 Carambola, 1 Mamey Sapote, 1 Avocado, 1 Jack Fruit, etc. What would you pick if you where going be limited to 12 trees? You can still buy fruit in season at the grocery store that is in season. You are not on a deserted island.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Tropical Fruit in video games
« on: July 21, 2019, 11:22:23 AM »
I play "Crossout" on steam with a computer sometimes. In this game you can create or modify a vehicle with guns to combat against other players online. It is road rage shooter game where you can design their own tank, car, robot, hovercraft, etc. There is a chat option also which is a popular feature.

Anyway there is a leviathon option where you can create an even bigger vehicle with more weapons that will fight automatically, even if you are offline. So I created a build and put a large mango tree on top of it. The mangos are made out of balloons.  It is pretty effective because it has about 10 cannons also.

I told the people on chat that if my levi kills them they have to plant a mango seed, but I have no way to enforce this rule.

Say your favorite mango tree was grown from seed and named after your wife.
Seed vaults won't safeguard that particular variety for the future.

Top working the last remaining tree to another variety won't help protect diversity either.

Perhaps a database or app is needed?

The information or app would could maybe be de-centralized & backed-up?
The information could maybe help track & document which varieties are endangered.
The information could maybe help people exchange scions or seeds of mango trees to help stop certain varieties of becoming extinct.
Metal plant tags & sharing information such as GPS coordinates and how many trees are left online might help protect phenotypic diversity of cultivated mangos.

I am interested in information on mangos with long seasons or multiple crops.

The notes below is a list of mangos currently of interest for some reason:

Alampur Baneshan       Cracking Issue
Angie      Early   Semi Dwarf
Ataulfo      Early-Mid   Poly
Bailey's Marvel   Big Tree
Beverly       Late   Zill
Carrie         Rich Sweet Spicy
Cecil Love
Choc-Anon          Early-Late   Dwarf    Poly
Coconut Cream      Zill      BBSR   Top Tier
Cotton Candy      Zill      ***   Top Tier
Dwarf Hawaiian       Early multiple crops
East Indian      Poly
Edgar      Brother of Coconut Cream
Extrema      Poly   Brazil   
Fairchild      Dwarf
Florigon         Poly      Saigon
Fruit Punch      Zill      ***      Zill 80   Top Tier
Gary         Late   Zill      Carrie x Pettigrew
Glenn       Rich Spicy
Honey Kiss   Late
Ice Cream         Late   Dwarf   
Irwin      Sweet Mild      Lippens x Haden
Ivory      Early Poly
Jakarka       Zill   Rich Spicy Turpentine
Juicy Peach   Zill      Top Tier
Julie         Dwarf
Karen Michelle       Sweeter Edward   Low Prod
Kathy   K-3      Zill      ***
Keitt         Late Very Late   Mulgoba
Keow Savoey   
Kensington Pride   Poly
Lemon Meringue (PPK)      Poly   Top Tier
   Po Pyu Kalay   Very Early
Lemon Zest      Poly   MBBS Issues
Madame Francis      Early-Mid   Poly
Maha Chanok         Sunset x Nga   Long season
Mallika            MGGS ISSUES
Marlys      Long season
Mangifera Lalijiwa
M-4         Zill      Late   Top Tier
Neelam         Late
Orange Sherbet   Zill      Top Tier
Ott      Very Early   Dwarf   Saigon
Phoenix      Zill   *** Top Tier
Pickering      Zill   Dwarf   Poly
Pina Colada   Zill   Top Tier
Pineapple Pleasure      Zill      Top Tier   BBSR
Pim Seng Mun      Early    Poly
Rosigold         Very Early   Dwarf   Poly
Rosa      Early      Poly
Ruby   103
Sugarloaf      Top Tier
Sweet Tart      Zill      Poly   Top Tier
Tess Pollock   Very Early-mid Carrie x Turpentine
Turpentine      Early-Mid & Winter   Poly
Val Carrie      Valencia Pride x Carrie

Space mangos in backyard or estate differently than on a mango plantation. Mango trees planted in backyards or estates can be planted closer together, since there is no need to have wide rows to allow heavy equipment to pass by.

Mango spacing is changing with new information and technology.
Why to prune - The idea behind small mango trees

How to prune canopy management for mangos

New mango plantations are planting them closer together.
1 Acre = 43,560 square feet

10 meter spacing or 32.8 ft
208 / 32.8 = 6.3
6.3 x 6.3 = 40 TPA: trees per acre
4 tons of mangos

5 meter spacing or 16.4 ft
208 / 16.4 = 12.68
12.68 x 12.68 = 160 TPA: trees per acre
12 tons of mangos per acre

Mango spacing calculation:
square root of 43560 = 208
14.4 ft spacing
208 / 14.4 = 14.44
14.44 x 14.44 = 208.64 TPA: trees per acre

Ultra High Density Estate Mango Production

4.5 meter x 4.5 meter or 14.76 feet

3 meter x 2 meter spacing

3 meter x 1 meter spacing

Average height of tree is 7 feet

674 TPA: trees per acre

8 ft spacing
208 / 8 = 26
26 x 26 = 676 TPA: trees per acre

7 ft spacing
208 / 7 = 29.7
29.7 x 29.7 = 882 TPA: tress per acre

Staggering each row in a diamond pattern probably allows the trees to grow larger also.   
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Currently I planted my first few mangos about 15 ft apart, but I have planted seedlings in between them now.  So what started out as 3 trees is over 40 and climbing every week as we eat more mangos and plant the seeds. Currently have Glenn, Jakarta, Lemon Meringue, Sweet Tart, Maha Chanok, Neelam, Orange Sherbet, Rosigold, Irwin, East Indian, and a bunch of seedlings most of which are Ataślfo and Kent. Most of the seedling will probably be grafted and moved.

 I wonder if ultra high density mango production can be done with no watering once plants are established? If all varieties can be grown with this method or only compact varieties? Which varieties should I focus on and grow? What problems should I expect? What is the optimal mango spacing? etc etc

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Iguana Wars
« on: June 27, 2019, 10:51:51 AM »
Trap: I planted a garden near the canal. It is mostly grass and mango trees as the iguana have eaten the red ripper cow peas as fast as I can plant them. I built 2 traps 16"x 36"x 36" out of 1/4" welded wire. I planted seeds every 4" underneath them and am waiting for them to come up in a few days. They should be tempting as they have eaten most everything else in the garden.  If I do not catch them soon I will have to modify the one way door on the traps. I may bait with fruit if they do not rush the bean sprouts.

Snares: I also have some snares and saw a video on youtube on snare traps where they attach a bent branch to close around large lizards.

Rhubard: I am tempted to plant rhubard as I hear the leaves are posionous, but it is probably too hot outside. We plan to eat them so I don't know if I should be feeding them rhubard.

Pellet Rifle: I wonder if the Benjamin Prowler pellet rifle sold at Walmart is powerful enough to kill iguana? The ones near me run when I am over 100 feet away so I would have to sneak up on them when they are there. There has to be an easier way.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Breeding: Mango pairings
« on: April 24, 2019, 12:52:19 AM »
I am interested in what varieties you would plant together in the interest of creating a new variety and why they are paired together?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Fruits found in Tropical Wetlands
« on: April 09, 2019, 08:59:51 PM »
Living so close to a swamp that occupies most of south Florida I was wondering what tropical fruits either (1) currently grow there or (2) could grow there? There are islands out there that could flood and gators and snakes to contend with. Not really sure which tropical fruits are out there or could be?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Seed Balls
« on: April 09, 2019, 02:48:40 PM »
This thread is focused on the use of seed balls to plant polyembryonic mango varieties or other tropical fruits, during rainy season.  There are websites like: and videos ... search "Masanobu Fukuoka Makes Seed Balls" to see more about how seeds are put inside a mixture of clay and dirt to protect seeds until they germinate.  Using seed balls to plant mangos may not be ideal since the seeds need to be so fresh, but then again maybe being encased in a clay dirt ball helps protect the seed longer?

If you know of a good mango variety that is polyembryonic or a tropical seed that germinate easily, post it here so those so inclined can test this method of planting. Thanks.

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