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Topics - mangomanic12

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Anyone willing to save some for me?
I am travelling to Fl from Arizona  (sunny 117 degrees today) starting this friday and staying a week.
I am willing to drive and pick up and pay.
Let me know and thanks so much

Tropical Fruit Discussion / YIKES ....$5.00/lb for mangoes
« on: June 11, 2021, 07:37:25 PM »
Hi guys is this the normal cost of this wonderful fruit in Florida at the farms at Florida now?
I was in Florida 2 years ago and it was $2.00 or $3.00 per lb
I will not disclose the name of the seller to hurt their business but i found this really high.
Anyway , i am headed to Florida next week and i want to purchase and taste different varieties.
Is this $5.00 lb the kind of prices i am going to experience??



I have a 2 year old in ground seedling and a newly sprouted ( since may ) seedling growing at my friends yard .
These 2 readily shot up out the ground with multiple trunks.
My 2 year old seedling is in full sun.  I protected from the heat last year , this year i noticed a big growth flush during our heat and let it be no protection for the whole summer in 110-115 degree heat we have been having. ***Huge caveat is that these plants are in my friends flood irrigated yard around other  tree mostly citrus**** . The older seedling gets the full afternoon sun.
Of all the seedlings i planted in the hole (in may) along with 10 other seeds ( store bought kent/ haden) only the dupois seed i got from Florida is growing and growing well. This is in a more protected area of my friends yard.

Just wanted to share my observations.

Anyone has any to sell ??
Has to have some sweetness to it.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Wanted Apple scions
« on: September 30, 2019, 11:44:35 AM »
Anyone have some to sell or know of a person i can buy from?

Please post link / video/ explanation...
I have a Dupois seedling with 4-5 shoots and a random poly seedling with 5-6 shoots in 1 gal that i want to separate this weekend but i do not want to kill the shoots.

Hi guys , i  am digging  /prepping a large hole and was told that i may be digging / planting too close to the foundation ?

How far away from the house is it safe to plant ? I do not want any future problems . Thanks . Mike !!! :)

Hi Guys had a great trip to Fl starting from Fri ending Monday. Visited with a couple very kind and  very generous Forum Members while there.
One of my goals was to purchase a Khun See tree and taste the fruit and i did Both .. delicious and unique (to me ) mango .
I also purchased a Himsagar mango gotten from Fruitscapes nursery in Bokeelia (sp?) spoken of very highly from Jessie a  very nice gentleman that works there . I even got to tour the grove / bought fruit tried a delicious dropped Maha and Khun See mango for the first time. Long drive , but hey i'm on vacation what's a mango freak to do?? ;D . Totally worth it . A kind member informed me of this nursery. Thanks again !

Tasted numerous varieties of mangoes  some that stood out including a  M. Ordorata that was exceptional and a Valkyrie (that's how they spelled it) Did they mean Valcarrie?? Anyway that was exceptional also. In all i think i bought / was given / shipped carried at least 100 lbs of mangoes, I also got mangoes from truly tropical and Squam's place.
 Alex, was such a gracious host and in my  view a high quality mango supplier in WPB who in the coming years will have an exceptional variety of mangoes , he has this now , but has  recently (in the last year or two) planted more of the newer Zill gems. A great place to purchase online or visit, highly recommemnded!!!

Ahhh... i love visiting FL and

Anyone growing the Himsagar ? Any local info
Can't wait to get these guys in the ground. I love Florida but the mosquitoes had there way with this island boy till i got used to it :)

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Old CRFG Magazines
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:09:07 PM »
Anyone willing to part with some of there old magazines. Willing to pay. Thanks

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Intuitive Gardening / Permaculture
« on: March 12, 2015, 04:54:09 PM »
Hi guys, i was wondering if anyone other than myself garden (sometimes a lot or little )by intuition or feel . For example when to fertilize, water , prune / pug instead of just going by a calendar at a certain time.

While at work i just got a thought (some call it intuition) to mulch around my trees with compost this weekend because i have been mulching with woodchips / and clippings but i have not layed down some pure compost in a while. I find that when i follow my garden intuition ,things seem to work out ok. Share your thoughts. the desert ;)

Hi all ,i ate one of these  (this past summer ) i believe purchased  from Alex (Squam) and i made note and gave it a A+ excellent , can eat skin when ripe , maintains firmness for quite a while (several days left in my closet and it didn't seem to get mushy or shriveled up), loved this gem.

Any info on tree growth rate , approx  height  , production , mon / poly etc .
Also any nursery that sells this ?

Thanks so much. I do believe it''s a SE Asian mango , smooth , no fiber!

Mike- in the desert

I saw a heavily loaded tree at the fruit and spice park late May  and went back and got to taste one mid July (by that time tree was not as loaded) . Is this really a heavy bearer and are the fruits large  and is it worth growing? If the tree was not mislabeled the fruits are large ?? and i remember fiberless.
If you have any info on it and a pic i would be grateful. Thanks. I remember liking the taste along with the Pin Saen Mun and Sia sian mangoes i tried that day.
I also saw the OKRONG mango tree, a small tree with small fruits (not much at the time)

Mike - in the desert !

Hi guys just wanted to vent. Last weekend before the rains hit phx i decided to throw some Osmocote " slow " release fertilizer under the mulch of  my Lemon zest  and  Peach cobbler. Within a few days wilted crispy leaves  and that "wrinkling look " to the branches you start to see around that time - meaning  eminent Death !
Next all leaves turned brown dry and crispy on both trees .  I couldn't believe it - i was fuming at myself !
For those that are growing mangoes for a while now you know when you see that this tree is a goner - I may be wrong but that's my observation.

Was wondering for the last few days why i was feeling kinda down then i realized that it's a little bit like when a pet / family member dies
you kinda built a relationship with this tree (Watering , mulching , foliar spray , observing it weekly ) . I had gotten these trees through a whole summer in Phx 115 degree heat sometimes and i just realized it bothered me that they died. All that work / effort / time spent down the drain.

I did learn a few valuable lessons
. Use very little non - organics on my fruit trees (especially the mangoes)
. Spread very , very lightly 1/4 of what directions call for around the outer canopy
. If somethings working to make the trees grow steady but healthy keep doing it - why change????????????????

Lastly , follow my intuition to not use any because they were looking fine already with light regular  drenches of a mixture of fish / kelp and  molasses
I did replace the Lemon Zest yesterday with My 3 Gal Pin Saen Mun . Felt good to have that on hand at least !

Good news is next year i am after a sweet tart and another Lemon Zest

Can anyone relate or am i crazy for feeling this way ?
Thanks , now i feel better .

I'll start

Recently i bought  a 3gal PSM  mango  and a 3gal Manlita

PSM - because the taste in the last 2 years i have eaten is something i really enjoy getting fruit from Truly tropical  and Fruit and spice park . Luv it

Manilita -  the obvious - tiny size of tree and fruit , (running out of space  to plant more trees )besides being on the Curator's choice list in the past and seeing the awesome production of a members' tree  (see Sunworshipper Manilita Mango post and pics) figuring this cultivar should do well because its parent (Manila) does well here and in California. Have not tasted this one as yet . I have tasted the Manila and i like it .

Next on the list is to replace my Coconut cream  tree which  burned up  or die back from heat under ( double shade cloth) 15 gal planted last October.

I don't think CC likes our intense heat i may go with Kent , Keitt or Lemon zest or NDM#4

What's your story Mory ?????

I will be there hopefully tomorrow afternoon arriving at San Juan int'l . I am staying at Malibu , Loiza Puerto Rico. Will be there for 3-4 days.

I ordered from Plantogram . I tasted this mango last year and i really liked it. Has some fiber but flavor really made up for it also i like the fruit size.

Growth habit of the tree? (fast/ slow/upright/ roundish )
Bearing habit  ( average / good/ heavy)

Any other info is appreciated. Should i repot as soon as i get it or just water with a litlle kelp and put in filtered sun or shade for a week and gradually acclimate it ?
This will be planted in ground
Thanks, Mike .

I want to practice grafting this spring i already have parafilm but no knife. I already cut my finger (6 stiches) on Super bowl sunday with a Razor trying to graft ... that was fun :( 
Anyway all replies are appreciated!
Goal is to get good grafting mangoes and citrus . Thanks

Can someone instruct me how to grow them? I am in Phx Az . I'm originally from the caribbean islands and we love to make and eat plaintains fried green (tostones) or ripe  and i spend a fortune here in AZ buying these at up to 1.79lb.
I want to try my hand at growing these myself.

Can someone recommend some cultivars that might do well here in my heat?

BTW for those who don't know these are bananas but 2-3x the size of regular eating bananas.

Thinking about trying to get this mango tree . I have not seen many write ups this season on it.
Anyone have pics, is it heavy bearing , did anyone do a taste test? Only thing i have read is its a litlle disease prone (anthracanose)?
Opinions please ..


Which branches do these two species bloom/ set fruit on ?

Is  it the same branch tips of the previous years or new branch tips that did not fruit the previous year?
Or maybe off  the branch tips that were pruned the previous year?

Please forgive if this is a dumb question. I am asking because i  am pruning my pomegranate at the end of the year . I just want to make sure i do not prune off potentially fruiting branches. Same with the mango.

Thanks all

I will be driving from West Palm Beach. This will probably be my only shot to go this year.  Almost a 2 hr drive . Give me your opinions.

Will be there fri and all day sat . Thanks.
I am willing to drive up to and hour

What do you guys use ? . Trying to save some cash .
I am in the desert  and i know its going to get very hot in 2 weeks or so
Or is there a website or place i can get used shade cloth maybe?

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