Author Topic: Langsat incense  (Read 663 times)


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Langsat incense
« on: June 04, 2018, 10:33:01 AM »
So, I was looking at my compost pile today, and - noticing some langsat rinds on the top - I recalled reading about how dried langsat rind can be used as incense.  So I decided to try it out.

One quick recommendation - don't leave them in huge chunks that pack poorly together, cut them up to the degree necessary so that they pack in reasonably well together.

One thing I was really impressed with was how it burns.  There's apparently a flammable oil in the rind - you can see it bubble out - and it maintains this perfect nice, slow, steady smouldering - just what you want in an incense.  Nice pretty wispy waves of smoke come off of it.  Unfortunately, the scent on its own wasn't remarkable - there was maybe a hint of langsat scent in there, but it was mainly just a smoke scent.

I'll have to try this again, but this time dripping some essential oils onto the rind to give a more interesting aroma. But as far as reusing waste goes, this one really seems to work.

ED: Found a bit more usable rind and tried it with some essential oils.  The oils turned out to act like an accelerant - which in a way is good to an extent, as it helps all of the pieces catch fire, but it also burns them up faster - and you don't really want to be burning *off* your essential oils either.  I almost wonder if the best option might be something like langsat + a little essential oil "ignition" fluid + dried citrus peel, to get some sustained essential oil release in there.

One thing that's kind of neat is that for a while you can get this "floating fire" effect, where it looks like the air over the langsat is burning, not the langsat itself:

If you like incense, it's worth giving it a shot  :)
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