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Topics - mangomandan

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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Mango trees have found new home.
« on: July 29, 2019, 10:13:17 AM »
I have an Orange Sherbet tree and a Buttercream tree. Both were neglected by owner, left in pots too long. But with good care should become great trees.

Will trade for one good mango, per tree.  To be delivered now or in the next year or two.

Pictures below, in alphabetical order:

For those who have had multiple opportunities to taste these, how would you compare/contrast the flavors?

This was my first year to taste OS, from two sources. To me it did not seem as richly flavored as the Lemon Zest mangos from my tree in the good old days, e.g. last year.  Seemed to lack sparkle.

Could be sampling error, or an off season I guess.  My LZ has leprosy, and I'm wondering whether to replace it with OS.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / New acquisition
« on: December 07, 2017, 07:01:05 AM »
In a break from tradition I've planted a tree that will never bear mangos.

I'm told that Angelino Loqu is a small but especially tasty mamey sapote.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Thinning Sweet Tart ?
« on: October 13, 2017, 11:01:33 AM »
Ok, not exactly a timely question, but I'd like to hear from folks who have been growing Sweet Tart for several years.

Do you thin the clusters of fruit?  I have not, and the tree has not self-thinned. I have ended up with lots of mangos, ripening rather late (which is not a bad thing).  But the mangos have been quite small.  And when harvest is over, the tree looks a bit stressed.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Is South Florida mango season over?
« on: August 19, 2017, 11:21:09 AM »
I have not had a chance to taste Cotton Candy and M-4 yet.
And I would have loved to taste Phoenix and  Kathy again.

Recent visits to my usual haunts were, alas, fruitless.

Did these have a good season?
Or ?

Before I left on vacation I put a ripe LZ from my tree in the fridge.

When I got home it still looked perfect, and was delicious.
So, N=1  does not make a consensus, and I wonder if others have found this to be true.

Keeping well as a ripe mango might add to its potential for commercial use.

Incidentally, ripe Dots also keep well in the fridge. Eventually they wrinkle, but the flavor is still great.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / LZ -- opposing viewpoints
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:13:34 PM »
Below is the south side of my Lemon Zest. It set and has retained lots of fruit, from the second or third bloom.   So far so good.

The north side set a few fruit from the first bloom, which have been devoured, and not many from later blooms.  From this side it appears that the canopy is becoming more "open" in that some interior branches are losing their leaves.  >:(

I have seen some of what seems to be bacterial black spot on some leaves, but am hoping this is the "old" less harmful sort.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Grape cornucopia
« on: June 03, 2017, 08:26:23 AM »
I planted two types of grapes deemed suitable for Florida a couple years ago.

One seems to have died away, but the Burgundy Bunch grape had its first nice crop this year. The grapes taste good, have a tiny seed. I would say they are not as richly flavored as grapes from the market.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / When do You eat your Lemon Zest?
« on: May 22, 2017, 01:34:36 PM »
I'm just starting to harvest the few LZ mangoes from the tree's first bloom.

If I remember right, I have enjoyed them at various stages, from kinda firm to kinda soft.

Opinions from G.O.A.T  connoisseurs welcomed.

South Floridians who haven't heard Chris Rollins speak may enjoy this presentation on establishing an orchard.  Chris is very knowledgeable, as well as entertaining.

Just want to give a quick shout out to Alex, aka Squam, who presented a lecture to the Palm Beach Fruit Council on growing mangos in Palm Beach County.

His presentation was very informative, smooth, and useful.
Especially helpful was his breakdown of growing conditions as they vary from the coastal region to the western hinterlands.     8)

A good time was had by all.

I just purchased mangos with these names, but can't find any information on them.

Would anyone know of possible alternative spellings?

Also found Buttercream (or Butter Cream?) at Zill HP.  Were these formerly numbered (so I could search for information on them) ?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / New mango acquisition
« on: June 11, 2016, 11:48:55 AM »
I think I'm the first guy on my block to have a Zill Indochinese* mango tree.
Please don't hate me for being bountiful.

*sometimes known as ZINC  or  ZIC

Sorry.....the image is upright on my PC, but not here.

TT has a nice list of mango trees available for sale.

Has anyone tasted Paige?  I'm guessing that it was selected and named by TT or another local source?

They are also selling Zill Indochinese trees, which I don't think I have seen elsewhere. I know that ZINC's progeny are considered to be better, but I'm quite fond of it. I would plant it if I had the space in my yard.    ???

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Yard pics, mostly mango
« on: April 23, 2016, 04:50:11 PM »
It's a mixed picture as far as which mango trees show promise this summer.

Jacquelin (and her sister, Beverly) set a good crop and are retaining them so far.

This is the first year for Dupuis Saigon, and it's doing well for a small tree.

Young PPK looked terrible for nearly a year, is finally flushing new growth.

Lemon Zest had a partial bloom and only fair fruit retention. (no pic)

First year for Edgar, bloom was partial, fruit set and retention very nice so far.

This is not how I recommend growing White Jade pineapples.

Dot had decent bloom and fruit set, mostly poor retention.  The fruit I couldn't reach with spray so far looks better than what was sprayed.

I'm not completely opposed to ornamentals.

I think variations on this question have been asked before, probably by me.
But what is a good mango tree to recommend to someone who likes mangos, but may not be enthusiastic enough to baby it, spray it, pray over it.....?

That is, a tree that produces good fruit without a lot of care beyond fertilizing.   Ideally it should not require a scientist or psychic intuitive to know when to pick and eat the fruit.

Right now I'm leaning toward Lemon Zest, especially if the ultimate size of the tree is not a consideration.

Thoughts?     8)

This should be prime season for Minneolas right now. But I haven't seen them in the stores.

Has anyone seen them?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / UF Best peach
« on: November 09, 2015, 09:11:52 AM »
Has anyone in zone 10 had experience with this peach?

It is rated as 100 chill hours, but zone 9, by Best Fruits and Exotics.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / The Mango in California
« on: November 08, 2015, 04:31:59 PM »
Questions for SoCal growers:

Do your mature mango trees require irrigation?

Is there potential for a significant commercial mango industry in California?
(Or would that be precluded by high land prices or other considerations?)



Tropical Fruit Discussion / First time planting 25-gallon size tree
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:11:57 PM »
I just planted a largish mango tree, about 7-8 feet tall.

Should I leave the big stake with it, or remove it now?

I have used 4 stakes to secure the tree in place, as the tree seemed loose in its container.
I may have torn some roots during transport.

Any advice on staking would be appreciated, pitfalls, time frame, etc.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Refrigerated mango -- viable seed?
« on: August 21, 2015, 01:20:28 PM »
Would refrigerating a mango affect the viability of the pit?

So far I haven't taken a chance, but am curious, as I wouldn't have to eat 4 mangos today.

There is a Tropical Fruit Festival today at Mounts Botanical, in West Palm Beach, FL.

Recipes / Brand new recipe using mango
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:20:01 AM »

When you crave a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but you have run out of jelly, try this.  8)

Spread peanut butter on your favorite bread-like vehicle.  Add some mango slices. Enjoy.

Pictured on the left side of the place is the completed open-faced sandwich using a Fruit Punch mango. However, Dot or any fine mango may be substituted.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Venus versus other fine mango cultivars
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:46:25 AM »
A friend has asked me to solicit advice here.*

He has a Venus mango tree in a pot that he would like to plant. Due to space considerations he would have to remove one of the following to make room for Venus:

Harvest Moon, 8-feet tall, robust, hasn't bloomed well or held fruit so far.
Angie, 6-feet tall, bearing nicely this year.
Maha Chanok, 4-feet tall, holding one fruit.

He has never tasted Venus or Harvest Moon or Maha, and has limited experience with Angie.

He already has several richly flavored mangos, including LZ, Dot, Sweet Tart, and Peach Cobbler. Venus appeals to him as a possible late-season variety.

Considering things like flavor, productivity, and disease resistance,  which cultivar should he consider getting rid of?

* I have encouraged him to join the forum and seek advice himself, but he is aware of the gentle chiding that can befall someone who chooses and regrets too soon.

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