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Topics - Longranger

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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB grafted white sapote trees.
« on: November 01, 2023, 03:50:10 PM »
Would like to plant Mcdill or Younghans gold. Open to most others except Suebelle which I already have. Thanks in advance.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Alano sapodilla
« on: October 16, 2023, 07:35:38 PM »
What time of year do Alano Sapodillas ripen in the San Diego area?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Early cherimoya season in San Diego.
« on: October 12, 2022, 06:10:01 PM »
I was very surprised to see some cherimoyas coming ripe this week, particularly Fino de Jete, Knight, and El Bumpo. Harvested a couple 3 days ago. They will be ready to eat this evening. Suspect it is the result of our unusually hot September.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Lucuma vs Canistel morphology.
« on: July 08, 2022, 02:21:18 PM »
Do Lucuma and Canistel trees differ enough in morphology to tell them apart without seeing the fruit?  I ask because I have 4 different varieties if you include Ross as Canistel. The Ross, Oro and Trompo have very similar growth habits leaves and flowers. The fourth Labeled Bruce is similar but the leaves are smaller, a little rounded and slightly shorter. The Bruce flowers are also pointier making me question if it might be Lucuma. None have set fruit. The Bruce is 3rd year in ground, 8 or 9’ tall with many 100s, perhaps 1000s of flowers. It bloomed less the last couple of years and did not set fruit. First year for the other varieties.

My cherimoyas are on their third season. Most we’re planted in ground as average 5 gallon specimens and have grown well. Last season without hand pollination my 15 trees held an average of 8 fruit each, range of 0 to 20. This season I started hand pollinating 3 weeks ago, 2 days a week. A high percentage of the flowers have set. So many that I wonder when I should stop. How many fruit can a vigorous 10’ cherimoya bring to maturity? Will too many fruits on a tree thin out naturally? Will higher fruit numbers stress the trees or hurt fruit quality? Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Rootstock and grafting question.
« on: March 31, 2022, 07:49:11 PM »
I ordered some stone fruit rootstocks and scions from separate sources. The scions look great. The rootstocks are healthy but are much smaller than I expected as in between 1/8 and 1/4” diameter. Most of the scions are thicker than that. Do most people grow these rootstocks out before grafting them? I can do that and use the scions on my current in ground trees. Actually have enough material to try grafting to the rootstocks and my tree. What have your experiences been? The scions are apricot and plum.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / green Ilama in Southern California.
« on: August 19, 2021, 02:53:22 PM »
I put an un-named but grafted green ilama in the ground 2 years ago. To my surprise it has set 4 fruits and is doing very well. It overwintered as well as my cherimoyas and atemoyas. I cannot find information on when to harvest other than waiting for them to crack and all of those were red or pink fruit. Does anyone have any information on what to expect in Southern California?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Pollinators for Ilama.
« on: September 07, 2020, 04:07:12 PM »
Does ilama require ilama pollen or will it accept cherimoya or atemoya pollen?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Planting germinated Jaboticaba seeds
« on: August 12, 2020, 09:04:49 PM »
How soon after germination in ziplock bag should Jaboticaba seeds be placed in pots? As soon as you can see at least 1 good root or after roots attain a certain size?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Greenhouse recommendations.
« on: August 07, 2020, 12:56:16 PM »
My property in Southern California would benefit greatly From a greenhouse if I am going to bring my orchard to the next level. I have built and used an 8 x 12 foot double walled Polycarbonate greenhouse in the past. That would be too small for my anticipated needs. I am thinking about a house with 300 to 1000 square feet. Seeing what works for our many members in similar climates would help a lot. I am open to almost any design that is not a true eyesore. Could go the DIY route to save $$ but also open to having a specialty company install. I do not have a set price limit but would get emotional as costs topped $25,000. Don,t have to worry about getting approval from neighbors. Have read a fair amount and suspect a hoop house design with really good ventilation will give the best bang for my buck. All input appreciated.

Citrus General Discussion / Gotta hate and love Home Depot.
« on: August 03, 2020, 07:07:47 PM »
Home Depot never ceases to amaze and infuriate me. Went today specifically for peat moss and vermiculite. Out of both. Walked all over the garden area hoping to find a misplaced bag or 2 since I did not want to go to Lowe’s. Wouldn’t you know it saw a 15 gallon standard color finger lime holding quite a few fruit. 1” trunk and at least 6’ tall. $99. Got it. Went to load her up and found 15 mature ripe finger limes in the container. Just one tree mixed with general citrus. Will plant her tomorrow. The limes have mature seeds. Are they worth germinating?

I want to start a bunch of Sabara jaboticaba seedlings for grafting experiments as they get big enough a couple of years from now. My aim is to graft mature scion wood from varieties that do not do well in the ground in SoCal on their own roots to Sabara stock.  Anyone who is now enjoying sabara fruits and tossing the seeds please consider mailing them to me so I can learn to graft. Donators will be first in line for grafted plants at very reasonable cost if I have some success. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Ground squirrels
« on: July 26, 2020, 03:34:35 PM »
Wow I never knew ground squirrels could be so destructive. Have started thinning them out with an air rifle. Any other suggestions?

I am looking for a source, Nursery or forum member, from which I could get some finger lime varieties in California other than standard green. Probably a longshot but thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I need to plant a good cross pollinator for my Western Schley pecan tree. Live in Northern San Diego county. Suggestions?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Pouteria in North San Diego county.
« on: June 16, 2020, 02:39:33 PM »
Been putting in an orchard at my new home in northern San Diego county. Would like to grow Canistel, Lucuma, and green sapote. Need suggestions on cultivars and suggestions on nurseries that might have those cultivars. Ross sapote also on list if it does well in this climate.

New member with first post. I moved to Bonsall from Orange County this fall and have started my new orchard. Would like to put in a few more cultivars of cherimoya and atemoya but cannot find anyone selling grafted Sabor, Big Sister, Luciida, Nata or Behl. Would be looking for scion wood too but presently have no seedlings to graft to due to moving. Also interested in newest atemoya  varieties like super Lisa etc.., superior wax Jambu, moist Lucuma cultivars etc.. have checked most sources from CRFG without luck. Any guidance would be much appreciated. Already have El bumpo, Pierce, Honeyheart, Chaffey, White, Fino de jets and AP Atemoya.

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