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Messages - Sune

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Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Prunus species in Europe
« on: May 29, 2022, 05:53:52 PM »
Not at all!

I don't have that many :).

I have bought some plants at They have a very good quality.

Here I have also found some good plants, and not so expensive:

And then I found some very interesting Welsh fruit trees here: Among others, the once rarest apple tree in the World, Bardsey Apple. Gave some very delicious apples for the first time last year. Unfortunately - after Brexit, it is not so easy to buy plants from UK anymore..

Earlier on, I also often bought seeds here in this forum, from the US etc.. but - it has become very difficult to buy anything outside EU..

This is also a forum that you may be interested in:

Flora Toscana is a interesting nursery where I have bought a couple of trees:

Brd Sune :)

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Prunus species in Europe
« on: May 26, 2022, 07:20:19 PM »
Their seeds are normally fresh. I just bought some cucumber seeds earlier this month, and most of them were fine, but there was one package that was not a success. But generally speaking, seeds are fresh and good, and this is the first time I have experienced a problem.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Prunus species in Europe
« on: May 25, 2022, 06:09:29 PM »
I bought my white Prunus Tomentosa here Deaflora is very addictive :) - I have bought many plants and seeds that have then been sent to me in Denmark - so expensive in the long run ;)..
Brd Sune

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Cold hardy avocado seeds
« on: January 11, 2022, 04:49:52 PM »

I would indeed prefer scions over seeds. But it sounds even more difficult - if it is easier - that would be nice. I have learned recently that it is actually not legal to import certain cold hardy avocado types here in EU, whatever plant part. Recent legislation. A nursery on the Canary Islands told me and that is why you will never find such avocados in nurseries here. Which is really a shame, but, probably got to do with certain plant diseases. So only Bacon and Hass here, probably a couple more..

If there was some solution to this problem - that would be fantastic, but doesn't seem so.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Cold hardy avocado seeds
« on: January 01, 2022, 07:40:32 PM »
Hi, I am Sune from Denmark, and I have had the same idea as you for some time. Such seeds are very hard to get, but of all the things that I would like to grow in our garden - avocado ranks very high. Actually, you could try to contact the profile from this forum: tiendadefruta, Manolo Mateos. Not very active in here. He is from Spain and not long ago he gave me his phone number - you could try: +34 649 881 601. He might have cold hardy types. I have not had time to contact him, but it might be the best chance. Maybe it would even be possible with grafted plants - I don't know. You can send plants within EU.
A guy in UK runs a Youtube channel called Go Tropical UK. Unfortunately his is not very active anymore. But he got some cold hardy avocado seeds from US. He gave me the name of his supplier and I tried to contact him - but in vain. He never answered. Anyway, it has become very difficult to get seeds from US. I bought seeds from Trade Wind Fruits many times, but it is not possible anymore.
Would be nice to hear about you project. And if I find time, I will also still try to plant avocados. I would prefer grafted plants, as it takes a very long time from seed to fruit, as you may know.
We have had a couple of cold winters here in Denmark, and I am not sure that avocados would actually survive. I have killed a white sapote and what was supposed to be a very cold hardy lemon - but some stuff will survive... and I do use winter protection for the young plants. Best regards Sune

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seeds and seedlings for sale
« on: February 14, 2020, 05:45:12 PM »
I recently received a couple of Psidium catleyanum plants from Nélio that I will try to grow in our winter garden here in Denmark. Plants look very healthy and have already flowered, so I hope to see fruits sometime not too far into the future. I warmly recommend this seller. Sune N., Denmark

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Wanted chestnut, walnut, oaks
« on: January 27, 2020, 04:35:32 PM »
Hello Sergei. For edible acorns, you should have a look here: I will order oak plants myself later this year. They sent me some nice akebia plants that are now growing in my garden in Denmark. Brd Sune

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Ziziphus jujuba in Europe
« on: May 02, 2019, 04:33:07 PM »
I would be interested too. Actually, I found a supplier last year and bought my ziziphus jujuba (Lang) at Der Palmenmann in Germany. They sent an approx 1,80 m high tree to me from Germany and I got a couple of fruits last year. Since that time, I have learned that it is good to have two cultivars - so now I am looking for another supplier, not that I know this is the right thinking, but anyway… I would also like to have a more sweet fruit than that of "Lang" on my second jujuba. I have heard that "Li" should be sweeter - so that might be an option. Best regards Sune, Denmark

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Mexicola avocado seeds
« on: February 18, 2019, 04:39:59 PM »
Hi, just find out about that guy from Denmark  ;) - guess who? Actually, I got this idea because I watch 'Go Tropical UK' - a guy sharing his experience with tropical fruit trees in the UK on Youtube - and among other trees, avocado, and he mentions Mexicola. He is growing one in his garden. But it is definitely a milder climate where he lives than here in Denmark, yes. But still, a place so close to Denmark, and if you protect your plants some way during winter. This UK guy is growing feijoa in his garden, and I have also got a couple of plants, and they are growing fine. That was not the case with my Chilean guava, unfortunately, but had I given them some better protection, they might also have survived last winter - an exceptional cold one.

Yes - anything left?

PM sent again...

I have sent PM  :D

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: eugenia - sell
« on: September 01, 2018, 03:44:50 PM »
Might be dull in the US - but not in Europe. Does it fruit yet?


Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Ugni molinae
« on: February 03, 2018, 02:26:36 PM »
Hej Mikkel

Jo, det kan man nok - men kommerciel dyrkning betaler sig kun i den sydlige del af landet, og det skyldes klimaet ;o).

Ja, held og lykke med dine fremtidige Ugni ditto!


Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Ugni molinae
« on: February 03, 2018, 06:15:56 AM »
Hej Mikkel

Det var så lidt! Så tænker jeg, at du kan forstå hvad jeg skriver. Mit tysk er ret elendigt ;o).

Lige nu er jeg lidt nervøs for mine chilenske guavaer, da vi har dagsfrost og forholdsvis hård nattefrost i sigte. De er pakket ind i halm, så ser vi. Vi har desværre ikke have, så de er plantet i en krukke på altanen. De så ud til at trives sidste år og kom godt i gang med at sætte nye blade. Jeg tror godt, at det kan lade sig gøre - bare man lige beskytter dem mod frosten. Det har været ret hårdt vintervejr i store dele af England i år, så det har sikkert ikke været helt ideelt der.

Men ja, jeg tror altså helt sikkert, at du kan gro dem hos dig. Sønderjylland er lidt mildere end resten af Danmark - og det er derfor at det område sammen med Sydfyn er de steder i Danmark, hvor man kan gro pære. Danmark ligger på nordgrænsen for pæredyrkning. Du vil sikkert også kunne dyrke morbær, figen, og sikkert også nogle citrus, måske endda et appelsintræ ;o).

Held og lykke



Do you still have some seeds available? I would like to order 5 seeds.

Best regards
Sune Nielsen (Mr)

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Ugni molinae
« on: February 01, 2018, 03:23:52 PM »
Hi Mikkel (sounds Danish to me)

I would just like to tell you that I ordered two plants that were sent to me from England to Denmark last summer. It was not that expensive - and you will be able to enjoy the nice berries much sooner - I guess from seed, it may take 6-7 years. It is no problem to send plants within EU (BREXIT... hmm..).

My plants were ordered at The Forest Garden-Budock Water-Falmouth- Cornwall TR11 5ED, Tel 01326 250090,

Best regards
Sune Nielsen (Mr)

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedlings and seeds for sale
« on: December 05, 2017, 03:09:31 PM »
I just received two myrciantes pungens plants that had travelled all the way to Denmark in a short time. Plants are in a good condition, and I am happy to add these to my collection of tropical fruiting plants.

All the best
Sune Nielsen (Mr)

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Seedlings and seeds for sale
« on: November 27, 2017, 05:05:02 AM »

I am interested in myrciantes pungens, if still available.

Best regards
Sune Nielsen


I am interested in Roxburgh fig seeds and tree bean seeds if still available?

Best regards
Sune Nielsen (Mr)

Hi again

I did try to sent you a PM again, but I think there is some kind of a technical problem. When I try to send one, I am not requested to type codes of any kind, replying to the usual questions etc etc. This is not the first time it happens. Could I ask you to send me a PM instead?

All the best

Hi, I am interested in CASSABANANA BLACK. I have sent a PM.
All the best

Hi Miguel
I have replied to your pm, did you receive my reply? Paypal, hopefully, also made it  ;)...

Oh... I am sorry that you have not received a pm from me, but it is actually a bid strange because, sometimes I am not asked to plot in a letter code and answer the usual questions. It is not the first time I send a pm when this happens, seems arbitrary. Anyways, if I confirm that I want to buy a package of minimum 12 psidium striatulum seeds, and we then proceed to Paypal, would that be ok?


I would like to buy some psidium striatulum seeds if still available. I have also sent a pm.

All the best
Sune Nielsen

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