Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Online Library

Book for beginner


Hello everyone.
I just started my adventure with tropical fruits. I have got some citrus trees in my collection (they are just sprouting now but for me it is a big achievement!), but I need a book/website that will help me to take care of them. I just need something that will have all advices in one place.
If you know such websites or books tell me, I will be grateful!

There are a couple of older books that are available free online that are a good starting point for you. 

Here is a link to the newer one, by Morton:

This is a link to an older one by Popenoe, but still very useful:

These are good books as intro to tropical fruits, the Morton book will probably be more useful for citrus.  You will find a ton of useful links & pdfs in this library section as you venture into more uncommon fruits.



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