Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles

Moringa oleifera

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Anyone else growing Moringa oleifera in zone 8a. I do not get to harvest the "beans", but I do get a lot of growth each year from a single planting 3 years ago. They grow fast. They grow and bloom, but not enough time for the beans to grow. I use the leaves to eat, make tea, and plan on using some for compost tea for plants.


I am growing this plant but in 8b/9a. ...mine are in the ground. Here is how to get them to bloom and fruit 1 season. I cut mine to 1.5 feet at end of growing season before first freeze.  Chicken wire cage rolled around the sides. Fill with pine straw/lawn clippings. Cover with plastic to the ground . Spring- uncover and they will sprout higher and faster from the cut I made lat year. Now I get crop of beans before the freeze....As long as the ground around the roots stays above 32 degrees they will flurish each year.

Hey, LaCasaVerde, since mine come back every year from just covering with straw, I believe that you suggestion will probably work for me as well. Thank you.   I don't know why I didn't think of that before.  That's pretty much what I do with my banana plants so they can produce fruit. Do you like the beans? I have eaten the leaves, but was wondering how the beans taste. Do you eat them pod and all or dry the beans like black eyed peas? I have read that you can do either


If you don't make it to drumstick stage you can prepare the flowers. I like their food processor!

It obviously doesnt freeze there...haha. enjoyed the processor...

Honestly I eat the leaves as spinach substitute, my family  has grown up with the seasonal moringa salad  so I dont persuade them as I have to with others that visit. The beans I dont care for as much .


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