Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

The Wonder of Wonderberries


I have 2 seedlings growing now in 1 gal containers.  Lots of small fruits developing.  I'll update how they taste later.

Do those turn black/dark purple? I've had many of them growing in my yard wildly even though it could also be nightshade plants.

From my experience, they taste terribly bitter, and are extremely weedy--if you let any fruit fall to the ground, you'll never see the end of them. 

I tried growing them once, the fruit are micro sized you would need a billion to make a pie, taste wise, mine were not bitter but were almost tasteless. since they were potted they didn't take over, they later got powdery mildew though, so that's the last of them, I wont plant those again.

some of them have basically no flavor unless cooked with sugar and little lemon juice. Sometimes they really taste like blueberries when cooked. Some people can't taste them no matter what you do with them.


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