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Topics - tedburn

Pages: [1]
Cold Hardy Citrus / Big freezes and variety selection
« on: December 23, 2022, 04:39:51 AM »
Yesterday looking for more information to the big freeze 1962 and 1963 concerning the conditiond freeze time and freeze deepest temperatures and surviving varieties, but didn' t find useful information. Does anybody know sources with useful concrete datas ?
By the way I found interesting information to the freeze
1894  ;)

Citrus General Discussion / Cocktailpomelo (Mandelo)
« on: December 14, 2022, 09:44:43 AM »
Today harvested and tasted my second fruit in the second year fruiting.
Due to my small plant I had every year only one fruit. The fruits are to delicious to skip it small, to let the plant faster grow  ;).
Cocktail pomelo is really one of the best citrus for me, especially in colder climates (Z7) it builds very tasty, sweet and juicy fruits with a delicious flavourmix of orange and grapfruit but without bitter- and sourness.
Only lots of seeds but thats for me no problem.
Other positive add on is the early ripening time.

Citrus General Discussion / Bloomsweet
« on: October 24, 2022, 06:39:34 AM »
Last year I harvested and tasted my first and only Bloomsweet fruit after about 12 months and yellow skin.
I wasn' t very overwhelmed by the fruit, a bit dry and no really
good flavour. This year my tree has 8 fruits and today I decided to try a fruit very early ( after 8 months from bloom).
I was really astonished about the wonderfull taste. Juicy, good fruity smell, relatively sweet and not sour. And even very very low bitter aftertaste. I can really recommend Bloomsweet, no disadvantage found.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Ten Degree Tangerine - Clemyuz 2-2
« on: July 05, 2022, 03:39:26 PM »
How hardy is Clemyuz 2-2 ? Who cultivates this citrus and can share own experiences to comd hardyness, taste and fruiting period ?
Thanks for your informations  :).
Regards Frank

my luxury problem is, that my pomelos have too much fruit set and in contrary to my satsuma up to now they don' t want to kick off some fruits.
Now my question is still to wait until they throw the too much fruit themselve or better already now thin out the too much fruit by myself.
Valentine bears the first year and bloomsweet the 2nd year.
Thanks for your experience.

Citrus General Discussion / Leaf fertilizing by spray - experiences
« on: May 10, 2022, 05:06:17 PM »
I have some citrus which after winter show deficits by their yellowish leave color, I suppose Iron and mangan.
With soil fertilizer I don' t get it totally fixed, especialy the one year old leaves.
Who made good experiences with leaf fertilizing by spraying and can tell me some rules, as at which time to spray, can I also affect older leaves, how often has to be sprayed, how long does it take to see success ?
Thanks for your information, regards Frank

Cold Hardy Citrus / Nippon Orangequat - cold hardiness
« on: January 14, 2022, 05:32:15 PM »
Tuesday I got an Nippon Orangequat with a really wonderful fruit, 6cm in diameter, wonderful mandarinorange flavour and very juicy, delicious.
I read it could take down to 10° F.
Does anyone cultivate this wonderful plant and what are the expiriences concerning cold hardiness and other specifics of the plant. Thanks Frank

I found two citrus plants in my collection with a lot of scales. I sprayed them with oil and hope to get rid of, in former times, with only one lemon I had good results. But now I found still at two other plants in my collection a single scale, which I removed by hand.
Now I ask me if I should spry before overwintering all my citrus (ca. 70 pots)? I will overwinter them by 1 ° C in a greenhouse).
Who have good experiences how to protect, prevent scales.
Thank you Frank

Cold Hardy Citrus / Sanford Curafora
« on: August 28, 2021, 09:04:55 AM »
Besides my Sanford Curafora planted 2020 in ground, I still have one in a pot, which flowered and set two fruits.
When I snipped with the nail along the fruit it smelled a little bit bitter and strong. Now I fear that the taste is perhaps not so good concerning edibility ?
Who cultivates Sanford Curafora, tasted the fruits and can give some informations to fruit specification and taste ?
Thank you Frank

I got this year a citradia and taiwanica and plan to plant them next spring in ground in zone 7, everyone out there who  cultivates them in ground and can tell me of his experience how frosthardy they are, which lowest temperature have they born good, which temperature survived with small damages?
Thanks for your help  ;)

Citrus General Discussion / Automatic watering experiences needed
« on: May 18, 2021, 04:14:55 PM »
For my next holidays i will install automatic watering.
Technical its no problem, but currently i' m asking myself in which cycles to program the watering of my potted citrus.
If it' s very sunny it would be good or necessary to water every day. If it' s colder and rainy weather watering every second day would be enough.
So If I would water every day but the weather would be colder and rainy in summer, would it harm the roots if they are always wet for e.g. 14 days ? Who has good experiences about the cycle of automatic watering that works for the citrus ?  Thank you

In summer 2020 I planted a lot of assumed frosthardy citrus varieties in my garden in ground. Due to the plants have been not so big I hoped to get a mild winter, but counted with the worst. And the winter got worse, we got 4 days and nights enduring frost down to 3,2 F ( - 16 C) and during the days frost with 100% full sunlight.
Heavy test for my citrus. Then from 20.2. it got warmer, but always change a few days warm, followed by colder days with night frost. So I show you the result after the severe winter. Hope it can help you to get more information of cold hardiness of citrus varieties 😋.
Regards Frank

Citrus General Discussion / Grafting on 6 week old seedlings possible ?
« on: January 30, 2021, 02:24:16 AM »
I have a lot of different 4-6 week old citrus seedlings and they are growing nice. So I thought if in this age grafting heals faster. The more difficult handling due to the only 8 to 10 cm high seedlings would be the price. If my theory of faster healing is true.
I will try it the next days. But if everyone has experience, it would be interesting to hear about ?
Best regards Frank

Cold Hardy Citrus / tetraploid seedlings or plants - how to recognize
« on: January 24, 2021, 04:10:54 AM »
I read a few articles about some advantages of tetraploid citrus, but I couldn' t find out yet, how I can recognize if a seedling or a plant has tetraploid genetic.
Are there citrus species which are as default tetraploid or are there exterial signs e.g. as leaveshape, smell or other exterial attributes ?
Very interested to learn more about ;).

Do we know what happened to this interesting hybrid?
I has not be able to find any further information on it.
In  leaf freeze resistance tests it was shown to have a similiar or even better hardiness than US119.
I think this is an interesting question, if it should be possible to cross a quite cold hardy pomelo like e.g.bloomsweet with an very coldhardy citrumelo/Citrange like 5*, Dunstan or  Morton, to get better and bigger fruit than Citrange/citrumelo and perhaps little less cold hardiness - did you meanwhile get an answer Ilya ? Anyone else or is someone already working at this subject ?
best regards Frank

Cold Hardy Citrus / HRS 899 experiences ?
« on: December 20, 2020, 04:55:45 AM »
Hello, inspired by an older post of usirius to getting jam out of HRS 899 and the conclusion  that edibility and jam seems to be good I wondered which clone of HRS 899 this was and what expiriences have been made with HRS 899 in the Forum and especially I would be interested in HRS 899A, the clone I planted this year in ground.
Thanks in advance, Frank

Citrus General Discussion / Holes in Citrusleaves with yellow brown ring ?
« on: December 09, 2020, 10:40:02 AM »
Hello Citrusexperts,
discovered on a new plant holes in the leaves with yellow and brown surrounding. Separated it now out of the greenhouse, but would like to know what it is or if it is something that could spread to my other plants ?
Everyone who had this or who knows what this is ?
Thanks for your advice.
Best regards Frank

Cold Hardy Citrus / How to overwinter potted Poncirus
« on: November 22, 2020, 12:34:08 PM »
Hello Citrus Experts,
I have some smaller Poncirus in pots which I want to take as rootstock for grafting next year.
The pot diameters are about 8 cm in diameter and the plants are about 20 to 30 cm high.
Now I ask me if they loose hardiness if I overwinter them in my greenhause which I keep
between 0 and 1 Degree Celsius (32 and 33,8 degree Fahrenheit).
Otherwise I fear that the roots of the Poncirus get freeze damaged if I let them unprotected on my veranda.
Similar question concerning some potted cold hardy plants as Thomasville, Bloomsweet, Ichang Lemon and Changsha mandarin with pot diameter about 15 cm and hights of about 50cm, which I want to plant in ground next early summer. Do they loose hardiness if they go to the greenhouse in Winter ?
Currently they still stand beside the greenhouse with fleece protection.
Thanks for your experiences.
Best regards Frank

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