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Topics - D-Grower

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Plenty of rhizomes available for both these types of galangal ginger available. $5 for a good sized piece with a minimum of 2 pieces plus applicable shipping costs. As the names kinda suggest the lesser form is less tall(3ft or so with skinny leaves) and has skinnier long rhizomes and the greater form gets about 6ft tall with wide leaves and has nice thick rhizomes. Both are very ginger type spicy more so than regular culinary ginger and have great medicinal value. Hit me up!


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / FL red Sugarcane quick sale
« on: January 18, 2025, 06:28:56 PM »
Having to cut down some canes before a major freeze event. $5 per 3 node cuttings. If some pieces have to be cut as 2 node cuttings I'll  add an extra or cut other pieces as 4 nodes if possible because of lengths. Minimum of 3 cuttings at $15 plus applicable shipping. Diameter of canes vary widely so they may come various size diameters. If you live up north I have 72hr heating packs for an additional $5 per package but cannot guarantee anything for sure. It's also gonna be extremely cold the next week so consider that as well. Buyer's risk. First come first served. Paypal and cashapp are accepted payments. Trades considered for other varieties, various herb plants, and low chill or otherwise cold hardy fruits. Hit me up!

Know the post is not exactly in the right subforum but placed here intentionally for high visibility.


Bunches of elderberry cuttings available. Cuttings are $3 each with a minimum of 4 at $12 plus applicable shipping costs. Priority mail or flat rate if cheaper. Hit me up!

Thanks! DG

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Jabo45 anyone know if he's all good?
« on: September 28, 2024, 04:22:26 PM »
I know Ryan is in TN. Anyone know if he's all good with all the storm flooding up that way.

Red Sugarcane cuttings 3 node pieces $5 each plus shipping. Minimum of 2 cuttings. Plenty available at the moment. Hit me up!


Hello North Florida residents and close by neighbors! I just created a new Facebook plant sellers page/group. Inviting y'all to join! If you aren't somewhat local that is OK to advertise if you are capable of shipping to North Florida and nearby areas. The twist of this plant sellers group is that it's strictly edible, medicinal, and useful plants only. Please see rules for greater details. The page/group is called "North FL Edible, Medicinal, and Useful plants and nursery seller's group". The group was just created last night but is already gaining members steadily. Come over there and join up! It's gonna be the new hub for North Florida plant and nursery sellers and buyers connections group for our region. Shameless advertising, "in search of" posts, giveaways, trades, edible and useful plants informational posts, recipes/harvests/medicinal extraction techs are all welcome so long as it's based in the realm of edibles, medicinal, and useful plants. Help us get this group up and running! Please comment here if you joined from this post so I can get an idea of where the traffic is coming from.

Thanks for your help! DG

Anyone have seedling Japanese raisin trees or seeds available? Also looking for medlar and Hawthorne seeds or seedlings. Really interested in anything fruit, edible, veggie, herbs, etc that are cold hardy at the lower 20s or into the teens. If you have anything cool let me know.

Thanks! DG

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Lychee in Sarasota?
« on: June 12, 2024, 03:34:48 PM »
My dad lives in Sarasota and is looking for a lychee tree. Think he wants a fairly sizable one off to a good start. He would prefer a dwarf type and self fruitful type if that's possible or exists but he would like any if not I would guess. Does anyone have trees available?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Fig freeze back in FL panhandle
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:20:47 PM »
For some unknown reason many figs I've planted in my yard freeze down all growth(even hardened growth) every winter. What's some possibilities for that? Don't think I have major nematode issues in this yard since I don't see root knots on things I've pulled up. Some trees are from cuttings of large healthy local trees that don't do the same where they are. My soil is thick but they aren't in areas that flood badly. Other species not doing the same thing. Any ideas?

Does anyone know of any fruit and or plant related shows, festivals, expos, etc in the FL panhandle area from like Jacksonville to Pensacola? Maybe downwards towards cedar key? Also possibly homesteading or similar interests kinda conventions? I know there's things like "Keeper's of the Old Ways" or the "American Farmstead Convention" out there but I cannot find much if any info online about other events. I would be also interested in any like events in south Georgia or Alabama as well. If you know of any such things please make me aware.

Thanks! DG

Looking to get some CORG seeds or possibly some reasonable priced seedlings. Would really like to have this species in my collection.

Thanks! DG

Bunches of really nice Cuban oregano plants available in 4in pots. Great culinary herb for anything from quinoa salads, Spanish rice, to meat marinades. Truly tasty stuff. Also have vicks plants available. Same genus of plants but very different vicks vapor rub smell. Handsome little succulent as well. Can be made into salves and used like vicks vapor rub. Can be boiled to huff fumes or drank as tea as well. Asking $6 for either species or get a combo of both for $10. Plus applicable shipping.

Thanks! DG

Have really nice 6 inch tall or so cranberry hibiscus seedlings available. Got the seeds from a generous member on here and planted a bunch and now have a ton of them. Only need a few for myself. We love the leaves in quinoa salads and for teas. Asking $6 plus applicable shipping costs.

Thanks! DG

Rooted bacopa herb pieces at $1 each with minimum of 5 plus applicable shipping. Hit me up! Herb used for memory stimulation.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Loquat seeds available
« on: April 13, 2024, 09:42:08 PM »
Bunches of loquat seeds available for sale. Parent trees make fairly good fruit but I assume most would want to graft the seedlings. 3 seeds for $1 with minimum of 15 seeds at $5 plus applicable shipping. I'll attach some pics of the trees they came from.

Native St. John's mint rooted pieces $1 each with minimum of 5 plus applicable shipping costs. Pleasant light mint scent great for teas. Great groundcover plant forming thick mats of coverage.

Hit me up!

Bunches of FL betony available now either as rooted pieces or tubers. $1 each piece or tuber with a minimum of 5 of either or both mixed items(example 2 plant pieces with 3 tubers). Plus applicable shipping costs.

Know this isn't exactly the right sub forum for these but I wanted to get eyes on this.

Bronze scuppernog grape cuttings 8 for $12
American elderberry cuttings $1 each minimum of 8

Some other random stuff that's available:
Ube purple yam tubers large size $15 each small $5
White winged Yam bulbils
African potato mint tubers
Arrowroot tubers 2 for $5 smaller sized $5 each larger size
Allium canadense live bare root plants 5 for $7.50
Loquat seedlings $6 each in small pots
Chickasaw plum seedlings $6 each in small pots
Shampoo ginger rhizomes $6 each
Various seeds $2 a pack: 5 American persimmon, 30 ashwanganda, 50 pea eggplant aka turkey berry, 50 Dill, 50 yellow dock, 50 Fiddle leaf dock, 30 papalo, 50 diakon, 75 purple or green Lamb's Quarters, 20 canna edulis, 25 speckled cow pea, 25 roselle

Minimum of $8 total no matter what is ordered. Proce of items plus applicable shipping costs.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Grafting pears
« on: February 07, 2024, 01:07:44 PM »
Hello all! I was wanting to inquire whether or not pear grafts are likely to work if your scion wood has already leafed out? If you have experience please let me know.

Thanks! DG

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Low chill fruit scions?
« on: February 01, 2024, 05:12:33 PM »
Looking for low chill scions for the following:

Apple varieties up to 500 hours(joy, cinnamon spice, etc)
Improved plums and plum apricot and plum cherry hybrids
Spicy zee nectaplum
Peach plum apricot hybrid(can't remember the variety name)
Peach and nectarine
Pears up to 500 hours
Asian pear up to 500 hours

Let me know what you have available. If any of the hybrids need a compatible pollinators I would need both.

Thanks! DG

I have some smaller and larger tubers available. $5 each for smaller ones $15 each for larger ones plus applicable shipping costs. Larger ones are good sized. Some are funky shaped for growing together in a large pot but otherwise all good. Shipping may be expensive due to the weight of the tubers. However each could be made into many plants.

Thanks! DG

Tons of ashwanganda seeds available. 50 seeds for $3 plus shipping. Can ship as USPS ground advantage package with tracking or with a non-machineable stamped envelope for $1. The ground advantage package not only has tracking but also gets handled like a package so the seeds definitely won't get crushed. It will be more expensive though. The non-machineable stamps are supposed to make sure that the envelope will not go through roller machines and such that often crush the seeds but sometimes they do that regardless in my experience. Either way I will pad the seeds a bit to reduce the chances of crushed seeds.

Hit me up! DG

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / American Elderberry cuttings
« on: December 23, 2023, 02:27:10 PM »
Tons of nice American Elderberry cuttings available. $1 each. Cuttings will be hardened wood cuttings. Very easy to root. Very strong vigorous native plant that's cold hardy. Very medicinal value. Great for the wild birds as well. Minimum of 8 cuttings at $8 plus applicable shipping. Can ship small flat rate, regular priority, or ground advantage package.

Thanks! DG

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Bronze scuppernog grape cuttings
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:13:05 PM »
Bunches of available cuttings of bronze scuppernog grape. Not sure what the variety may have been but the original vines are from the property behind mine. They've been there an awful long time. There's two varieties growing on a gazebo like arbor on that neighbor's land. I rooted a piece from one of them a few years back for my own yard. Wish I could get a piece of the other variety. Met the original owner when we moved here but the land has been sold twice since then and I don't know the new owners and they aren't living there full time yet. The particular one I have is very productive and very sweet. Good sized grapes like many you might buy at a store. My vine has lots of growth to cut back. Can send good length cuttings at $1.50 each. Minimum of 8 cuttings at $12 plus applicable shipping. Small flat rate box or priority mail package if cheaper.

Thanks! DG

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Golden Dorsett apple scions
« on: December 21, 2023, 02:38:20 PM »
Have a bunch of Golden Dorsett apple scions available. I'd like to shorten the tree before next spring and would cut scions fresh to order. Won't all be tip cuts. Should be able to do a variety of diameters. Tree grows really good here in the FL panhandle. I originally grafted two scions on a random seedling that popped up in the yard from compost. It fruited at 3 years after grafting. First time I'd ever picked apples last year so not sure if they were perfectly ripe or not but they tasted somewhat similar to a pink lady apple. Something probably deer started eating the fruits so I assumed it meant they were ripe. Wanted not to loose a bunch so picked them when that started to happen. Scions $3 each with a minimum of 4 scions plus applicable shipping. Will ship via small flat rate box or general priority mail package if cheaper.

Thanks! DG

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