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Topics - Brian laufer

Pages: [1] 2 3
Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Tons of new rarities. Great prices.
« on: October 12, 2024, 03:27:59 PM »
Lots of new rare fruit seeds added to the website
Jubea chilensis
Butia capitata
Butia eriospatha (piņa colada)
Myrcianthes pungens ( guabiju)
Bergerocactus emoryi (squirting pitaya)
Pawpaw asimina (pawpaw)
Sorbus domestica ( service tree)
Luma apiculata (Chilean arayan) extra sweet variety
Forchhammeria watsonii (lollipop tree) tastes like peanut butter candy!
Passiflora elegans. (Yummy sweet and musky fruits. Delish.
And much more
If you need bulk amounts of seeds reach out.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Ice cream beans for sale
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:01:42 AM »
Ice cream beans for sale. This week only.
Can ship anywhere.
7$ each plus shipping

New seeds for sale
Stenocereus queretaroensis
Very juicy and super sweet rainbow pitayas of legend.
Stenocereus martinezii
Very endangered and delicious pitaya species. Almost nonexisistant in cultivation.

Very sweet rich taste

Cocuixtle (bromelia karatas)
A pinapple cousin with very sweet fruits like sugar cane

Taste like pomegranate and cherry or acerola

Muntries (kunzea pomifera)
A obscure genus of edible myrtaceae with tasty fruits like crunchy sweet apple.

Seeds available on

Hope you all have a great growing season.

Atamoya Lisa 5$ each
Annona longiflora 25$ each
Annona emarginata 15$ each
Rollinia sp. Paraguay 15$ each
Myrciaria guaquiea (fruiting tree) 20$
Pepino Melon (Chilean round) cuttings 5$ each

New seeds available.
Fresh macadamia seeds. Kept moist. 1$
Cyphomandra sp. Sweet heart

Seeds available on the website
Pondaland coconut 50$ for local pickup
Eugenia biflora 30$
Psidium sartorianum (arayan guava) 15$
Myrcianthes halli 20$
Solanum robustum (brazilian sun berry) 15$
Persea shiediana. (Coyo, chucte) 50$

Bunya bunya (arucaria bidwilli)
Shippable plants 50$. 40$ local pickup

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking for muntries.
« on: February 19, 2024, 03:03:23 PM »
Anyone have access to muntries. Kunzea
Either plants or seeds. Happy to pay or trade something rare.

Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / Purple yacon for sale
« on: February 15, 2024, 10:15:49 PM »
Purple yacon for sale. Juicy and crunchy roots are eaten raw. Sweet and delicious. Root segments 10$ each

Lots of new rare seeds available now including
Vasconcellea parviflora,
myrcianthes pungens (guabiju),
Stenocereus gummosus. (Pitaya agria)
Stenocereus eruca. (Creeping devil)
Cyrtocarpa edulis (baja mango plum)
Diospyros californica (baja chocolate persimmon)
Ibervillea insularis
Passiflora palmeri
Peniocereus striatus
Jubaeopsis caffra pondaland coconut
Solanum vestissimum (lulo de paramo)
Cyphomandra fragrans (guava tamarillo)

Hope you find something nice for your garden !

Also white sapote boxes now in season 50$ , 5-7 lb medium priority box. 100$ 10lb large priority box

Rare fruit boxes available shipping tommow Monday morning and Tuesday.

Socal grown rare and exquisite dragonfruits varieties available. Very sweet and juicy.
End of season. Last chance for the year.

Medium box 5-7 lbs 65$
Large box. 8-10lbs 105$
Shipping included

40 plus varieties of jujubes from the legendary collection of Roger Myers. With a wide range of textures, flavor profiles and acid/sweet balance  you won't find other jujubes like these.

Mixed variety boxes
5lb box 75$
10lb box 115$

5lb box 65$
10lb box 105$

"Lang" variety
5lb box 65$
10lb box 105$

"Sherwood" variety
5lb box 75$
10lb box 115$

Kei apples dovyalis caffra. 8$ per lb

fresh coquitos jubaea chilensis for eating or planting. Large and stately palm. Hardy to 7F.
I like the taste more than regular coconuts.$1each

Pondaland coconut jubaeopsis caffra very rare in cultivation hardy coconut to at least 25F. Tasty mini coconuts grow an unusually square trunk. Very attractive and useful species.
$5 per seed.

I also have a lot of new additions to my website as well as the whole collection from ecuador this year. Hope you find something good.

Rare fruit plants for sale

Myrciantes halli. Endangered from ecuadorian highlands. 20$

Pouteria lucuma rich and delicious fruit 30$


Red pineapple 16$

Mammea americana 25$

Campomanesia xanthocarpa 35$

Year old pawpaw plants 15$ each

Large eugenia candoleana (rainforest plum) 50$

Garcinia spicata 20$

Annona rugulosa. Considered one of the best annonas 30$ each

Campomanesia schectendaliana 40$

Cleistocactus serpens

Eugenia repanda 15$

Cocoloba spinescens. Rare in cultivation. Taste like sweet tart candies. 15$

Musa velutina. Pink banana 25$

Also scions available: annona emarginata 10$ each
Annona longiflora:50$ each
Myrciaria guaquiea (fruiting) 15$ each

And new seeds on the website including davidsonia pruiens. Arayan guava.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Fruit and scions
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:28:02 PM »
Cherimoya fruit for sale. Grown in California. 65$ for medium box, 120$ for large. Shipping included. Free seeds with every order by request.

Also ongs Ruby scionwood avaliable 3$ per 6inch stick. Sizes vary from 1/4 inch to 2 inch. 5$ shipping

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Seeking a few species.
« on: March 02, 2023, 12:57:53 PM »
Looking for aechmea magdalanae.
Aracacha xanthorhyza
Pachyrhzus ahipa

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Freeze dried fruit and seeds
« on: February 20, 2023, 03:08:16 AM »
Freeze dried white sapote and starfruit for sale. 15$ plus shipping.
Bulk price for white sapote seeds
 25 for 15$.
50 for 35$
100 for 50$
California bay laurel nuts 0.5$ each minimum 20 seeds
Can be planted or roasted. Aka north American cacao. It tastes between coffee and chocolate and it's very stimulating.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / seed sale
« on: January 06, 2023, 02:25:54 AM »
hello i hope you all had good holy days. im putting up sales on most of my seeds right now with some new additions. Also ask me if you want bulk prices, I know a lot of you have nurseries. I've still got white sapote fruit boxes available. and fresh palmito.

I wish you all a fruitful new year!

Some plants i decided to sell. These plants are beautiful. Priced based on size and market value.
Green sapote 3 @ $50
Bromelia pinguin 4 @ $20
Bromelia hemisphaerica 4 @ $20
Guabiju 1 @ $30
Cas guava 3 @ $20
Cleistocactus serpens 1 @ $15
Purple sugar apple 2 @ $60
Red pineapple 2 @ $20
Mamea americana 8 @ $25
Pondaland coconut golden form 2 @ $150
Florida red bay. Persea sp. 1 @ $50
Rollinia deliciosa 2 @ $30
Annona reticulata 2 @ $50
Rollinia sp. Paraguay @ $50

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Peruvian apple cactus fruit for sale
« on: October 09, 2022, 08:58:48 PM »
Peruvian apple cactus. Cereus peruvianus.
Very nice and sweet fruits. The whole thing is edible with a tart rind and a sweet center. Very limited supply
40$ per lb plus shipping 10$
About 5 fruits per lb. Shipping mon, Tuesday

White sapote fresh harvest going out mon,Tues.
Very sweet and creamy and without bitterness.
10lbs for 100$
5lbs for 55$
Including priority shipping

Hello all fruit growers.
I just put up somenew seeds on my website. Mostly from my recent trip to el salvador and guatemala.

Hello. I'm shipping out Excellent pawpaws on Monday and Tuesday. These are a mix of premium varieties grown in California. If anyone is interested please send me a message asap. Fruit is $15 per lb. Shipping is 16 to 30 depending on box size and speed. To me pawpaws taste like banana, mango with a malted caramel flavor. Very sweet. I'm excited to offer these delicious delights with you.

Hello all. Wondering  if anyone knows where to find great fruit diversity in El salvador. Looking for soncoya. Olosapo. San sapote. Y Mas. Thank you.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Fresh fruit boxes
« on: August 23, 2022, 07:28:31 AM »
Hello all.
I'm on my way to el salvador but I wanted to offer some pre-orders for boxes of
Carissa macrocarpa (natal plum) 35$ for 1 lb box
50$ for 2lb box
Harpephyllum cafrum (kaffir plum) 35$ for 1 lb box
50$ for 2lb box
White sapote 10$ per lb.

Natal plum is sweet and sub acid with a rich taste. It also makes a great jam.

Kaffir plum is quite juicy and flavorful I compare the taste to mango and orange juice mixed. It's a south African native in the mango family.

I only offer the best cultivars of white sapote very sweet caramelized taste. No bitterness in my types.

I'll be returning from fruit hunting on the 31st and will ship fruit on the 1st of Sept. Any purchases would really support my trip. Thanks so much

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / New rare fruit seeds available
« on: August 10, 2022, 12:56:23 PM »
Some of the new seeds I've recently added to my website

Rubus neomexicanus
Screwbean mesquite
Passiflora arida (baja desert passionfruit)
Passiflora tarminiana
Mysore blue raspberry
Ribes sanguinium
Ribes aureum

I'm having a rare fruit tree plant sale this Friday and Saturday. What I offer is very hard to find, much of what I grow is sourced all over the world from my travels. I'll have fruit to sample. Should be lots of fun

Contact my number (831) 313-8570 or message me here for address.

Fresh picked grimals going out monday
5$ per fruit. Each fruit has Two or three seeds. Sweet delicious taste. Rinds me of concord grape juice but better. Great flesh to seed ratio. I'll be including local bananas with the orders, Goldfinger variety. These are going fast.

Cherimoya fruit shipped out next Monday. Mixed varieties. Many are large and very sweet.
12$ per lb.
We have a ton on our new farm so I hope to share some with you.

Ongs Ruby scions for sale. Many sizes 5$ each

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