Rare fruit plants for sale
Myrciantes halli. Endangered from ecuadorian highlands. 20$

Pouteria lucuma rich and delicious fruit 30$

Red pineapple 16$

Mammea americana 25$

Campomanesia xanthocarpa 35$

Year old pawpaw plants 15$ each

Large eugenia candoleana (rainforest plum) 50$

Garcinia spicata 20$

Annona rugulosa. Considered one of the best annonas 30$ each

Campomanesia schectendaliana 40$

Cleistocactus serpens

Eugenia repanda 15$

Cocoloba spinescens. Rare in cultivation. Taste like sweet tart candies. 15$

Musa velutina. Pink banana 25$

Also scions available: annona emarginata 10$ each
Annona longiflora:50$ each
Myrciaria guaquiea (fruiting) 15$ each
And new seeds on the website including davidsonia pruiens. Arayan guava. Raindanceseeds.com