Tropical Fruit > Tropical Fruit Discussion

Dragonfruit - Purple Haze vs Yellow - Video Link


Quick 1 minute review of Purple Haze vs Yellow Dragonfruit.

Cool video and comparison! Your kid has presentation skills!!

While yellow df is sweeter than all of the other df I've tried, I enjoyed the flavor of American Beauty the most. Really dig the funky colors of the reds and purples too.

Try a slice of yellow with the PH at the same time. =)

Good video. Yellow is sweeter, but just doesn't have the depth of other varieties. I really like American Beauty and Delight the best out of my 15 varieties, but physical graffiti and Purple haze are up there too.

Thanks !   I like both varieties , not sure which I prefer when it comes to taste.  The benefit of yellow is it self pollinates in my yard, downside is the thorns !  The purple fleshed ones have not self pollinated, so I'm stuck trying to find red or white pollen to get fruit set ..


Thanks for sharing.  I think it's awesome that your son is into fruit tasting at a young age.

Have you tried growing Sugar Dragon?  It tastes great, beautiful color and is also self pollinating.  Downside is fruits are smaller but it is an easy grower.



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