I may have to agree with shot and say cool this down, it is getting personal.
These calls for chill and decorum need to include a call for ceasing the blatant partisan political stumping or it's not going to work. A couple of comments up somebody's posting an article calling for voting for Trump in the
title, and that other guy is yelling about the "Looney Left" again while linking to some editorial fluff as a straw man argument about what he believes people with an opposing viewpoint to be like as a whole. Can we ask people to stop that crap too? It doesn't have squat to do with growing anything.
It's exhausting. Nobody else is here for this political horses***; we're trying to get and share info to grow our plants. But it sure seems like a subset of folks uncritically think that their particular brand is the One Truth and everyone else is automatically an idiot, and they're not afraid to say it loudly and repeatedly. Meanwhile the
fact is that there are a lot of people here from different countries and of different political persuasions (including apolitical) who don't appreciate their hyper-local partisan "us vs. them" b.s.
The "own the libs" brand of hot trash where everyone who disagrees with the groupthink must be a "leftist" (or whatever it is this week) is
particularly exhausting to deal with. Especially when trying to discuss non-political, factual content.
And that's the core issue that occurred here: Hard science about climate topics (which
very definitely relates directly to growing tropical fruit trees in marginal environments) is
only political/religious for
this one single group; to the rest of us it's non-political and the same as discussing anything else related to agriculture like soil science or pathogenic bacteria. And the rest of us might disagree but we generally do so based on
actual evidence and are open to having our viewpoint changed.
Meanwhile, you could post a series of satellite data showing changes in storms off the Florida coast in the last thirty years or something, with no commentary whatsoever, just hard un-processed data, and some of those other people are going to respond to it like it's a political attack
which is insane person behavior.
They can't discuss any of this in good faith, because they just won't respond to anything that could actually disprove anything they believe. At least, they won't respond with factual content. Political slurs, straw man arguments, yeah sure they'll do those. They're doing that in this thread. Look at it: these guys are having a discussion with themselves about how stupid their perceived opposition are and making up arguments for them that nobody here is actually making. And you won't find a single case of one of them posting any actual evidence as support for their beliefs, they're just yelling about how everyone else with a different viewpoint is stupid and agenda-driven
while shoving their own agenda down everyone else's throats.
You cannot have real civility or productive discussion when people are acting like that.If you want actual civility that includes a variety of viewpoints (which is generally a good thing to have when trying to solve problems, and a lot of this forum is about problem-solving when it comes to a highly specific skillset) then these guys need to grow up and learn to keep their personal politics to themselves.