I wonder when the first batch of seeds came in and if they hand pollinate.
Collecting pollen at night and hand pollinating the next morning seems to be the main issue with getting alot flowering Annona's to fruit.
Soncoya for sure. I've had A. Globiflora flowering for 10 years and could never figure out how to hand pollinate those little flowers, same with a friends grafted on soursop in Hawaii.
My Spinescens from Joe is trucking along in Hawaii and maybe flower next year.
Also have a Salzmanii , but they are native to Forested Sand Dune's Restinga environment , so I think it would rip in West Palm Beach Sugar sand Mango Land or another Sandy So. FL climate. It doesn't love chunky cinder.
How many members have had success with seedlings of some of these wild type annonas I wonder? Have any of these even fruited in Hawaii's zone 12? Grafted on A. Montana or cherimoya stock recommended?
Folks are fruiting spinescens in FL.