Citrus > Cold Hardy Citrus
Frosthardiness experience with citrusvarieties in zone 7, down to 3,2 F
In summer 2020 I planted a lot of assumed frosthardy citrus varieties in my garden in ground. Due to the plants have been not so big I hoped to get a mild winter, but counted with the worst. And the winter got worse, we got 4 days and nights enduring frost down to 3,2 F ( - 16 C) and during the days frost with 100% full sunlight.
Heavy test for my citrus. Then from 20.2. it got warmer, but always change a few days warm, followed by colder days with night frost. So I show you the result after the severe winter. Hope it can help you to get more information of cold hardiness of citrus varieties 😋.
Regards Frank
Excellent photos, some surprises. You had a colder Winter than I did.
thanks kumin, yes it was an ugly winter in our region
Nice comparisons. To increase the survival rate the graft union must be completely healed 2-3 years and the tree with a trunk diameter of 1 cm, then planted outside in soil.
Thanks Lebmung, for adding your experience, yes I think this are very true points. In my case, I know that my plants all have been risky ( young and small) but regarding the last warmer winters and using winter protection I decided the risk to be not so high. So hope for a good recovery this summer 😅.
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