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Topics - chrobrego

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Florida: what is this bug in my mango?
« on: July 06, 2024, 01:04:45 PM »
I picked a Glenn drop from the ground twice yesterday and found two small holes in the skin of each fruit.  There was also a fairly long worm inside each of the holes using it for breathing.  It wasn't a Caribbean fruit fly larva.  Has anyone else had long white worms in their ripe mangos before in Florida outside of Caribbean fruit fly?  I've been growing mangos in Orlando for over ten years and never have seen anything like it.  I'm just asking in case it might be something new and invasive. I should have taken a photo, but I was just disgusted at the time and threw the offending piece away.  In hindsight, I realize I should have documented it.

The weird thing was the visible hole and the fairly large maggot directly inside of it (about three times the size of a Caribbean fruit fly maggot).

Any mango experts out there get anything in their fruit like this before?  By the way, I live in Orlando and have about 30 trees.


I have these black spots on the limbs of my mulberry tree here in Orlando Florida.  I've had them about a year now.  The tree seems fine, but the fruit is subpar -- it might be affected. Any ideas what this is and if it needs treatment? 

Thanks, Chrobrego

I have an ice cream mango tree that is about six feet high and seven years old.  I've confirmed the variety as well based on pictures, and I purchased it from a reliable grower.  The issue I'm having is my fruit does NOT taste like mango ice cream as a couple of people have claimed.  Mine tastes more like sweet floor cleaner -- it isn't exactly repugnant and it grows on you, but there is definitely a strong turpentine-esque quality to the flavor.   Is this just me or has anyone tasted this fruit?   How would you describe it?


I have a formerly healthy Lula avocado tree here in Florida.  Every year the fruit was beautiful, but last year the fruit started to scab.   I thought it was because of a cold spell, but it's happening again this year.  What could this be? Secondly, how do I fix it?   

Could this be thrips damage? I'm not an avocado expert, so I'm guessing.  If so, would a systematic insecticide like Bayer Fruit knock the little #$%# out? 

Any avocado experts out there?



Tropical Fruit Discussion / Thrip damage on avocado fruit
« on: December 31, 2022, 02:05:39 AM »

This year my Lula avocados looked terrible -- extensive brown scabs on the fruit skin although the fruit interior was fine.  A google search said the damage was because of thrips.  Never heard of them.  How do you handle thrips on an avocado tree?  Anyone had any experience with this?



Anyone have any experience using rubber mulch around the base of their fruit trees as a slow release zinc fertilizer?  I put a bunch of rubber tire mulch around my trees about ten years ago because I was lazy having to remulch with cypress. I then read recently that rubber does break down in the environment despite the claims from the Vigaro rubber mulch bag. The leachates are rendered nontoxic during the rotting process (I read the research done on children's playgrounds), but some heavy metals are released, namely zinc with some trace aluminum. I'm not worried about lead as car tires typically don't have much and lead isn't taken up into fruit tree tissues anyway. The main warnings online from garden people are about zinc toxicity, but nobody provides any evidence.  I did see some evidence from a soil test on a playground that had tire mulch that was 15 years old and piled 4 inches high.  The soil tested at 20ppm while toxicity usually occurs around 200ppm.   The amount of zinc leaching also slows down as the tire is broken down in the environment.

Anyway, I read a study done in India that suggested using tire crumb as a low cost slow release zinc fertilizer for tropical fruit trees -- namely because high PH sandy soils are usually deficient in zinc. In fact, the leaves on my tropical fruit trees couldn't be any bigger or greener.

I'm in the process of deciding whether to remove the tire crumb mulch or keep it.  What would you do?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Rose Apple Trees & Caribbean Fruit fly?
« on: July 26, 2022, 09:47:40 PM »
Does anyone know if Rose Apple is hit by Caribbean fruit fly?  Does anyone grow this fruit in Florida?  What are the results? Any maggots?  Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Nastiest mango varieties?
« on: July 26, 2022, 01:44:30 AM »
I just had a Cushman. I'm adding it to the list of nastiest mangos -- great looking fruit, but weird nasty undertones to the taste profile in my opinion. The fruit tends to not ripen evenly as well, so you can be gnoshing on a wedge and occasional get a taste of overripe fermented vomit taste in the middle of your bite. I wouldn't eat another one. To be fair, there has been a lot of rain, so maybe that has something to do with it.

What are some other varieties to avoid?

Har lists Pram Kai Meu as supremely delicious. Does anyone have this tree? What is the consensus on it?

I've got one PRIME spot in my yard left for a mango tree -- chopped a Sue Belle white sapote that turned out to be a bitter flavored seedling.

Anyway, I've got Glenn, Pickering, Lemon Meringue, Coconut cream, Fruit Punch, Carrie, Pina Colada, Cogshall, NDM, Rosigold, Fairchild, Ice cream, Honey kiss, Mallika, Orange Sherbert, and a Carrie.

What new variety would you choose?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sugarloaf mango productivity???
« on: July 21, 2022, 12:24:09 AM »
Any idea how productive Sugarloaf is?   Anyone have a tree with a few years on it yet?  Any idea how the mother tree is doing for productivity?


I planted some Brazilian spinach in pots and they are adequately watered and get full sun here in Florida. Growth appears at first to be good. However, some of the plants are rapidly dying from what looks like a white fungus infection. They stems just get this white mass on them and the plant dies. What could this be?  How is this treated?   Anyone else have experience with this?



I have one last excellent spot for a fruit tree in my yard. I live in Orlando Fl (9b).  The problem is I can't decide what to put there.

I already have a ton of mangos (always a great choice), three lychee trees, four avocado trees, two saps, pitomba, jaboticaba, Barbados cherry, atemoya, guava, persimmon, Pakistan mulberry, sweet belle orange, limes, longan, white sapote and carambola -- all in the ground.  I was thinking a black sapote tree but it gets too cold here. Kwai Muk maybe? 

What would you put in that spot if you were in my place?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Is a black sapote tree worth having?
« on: June 20, 2022, 07:03:55 PM »

I'm very short on space and was wondering if it's worth it to have a black sapote tree?  I know it's a matter of opinion, but I would like to eat the fruit and not just 'collect.'   Do people with this fruit actually use it enough to warrant having a tree?   


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Anyone tried Ed's Delight loquats?
« on: June 20, 2022, 07:00:51 PM »
Has anyone tried a Ed's Delight loquat?  I keep seeing the tree at my local nurseries, but I can't get any info on whether it's a good variety or not.  I currently have Christmas and Arbelino. I know it's a yellow white fleshed fruit. I've only had the orange ones, so I'm on unfamiliar territory.


Caribbean fruit fly is the bane of my existence in Central Florida. I was hoping to get your comments for your area regarding Caribbean or other fruit fly infestations. If possible, I'm just hoping to grow fruit that are resistant to these pests -- I don't have the time to net or bag. I've been experimenting and just ripping out the fruit trees that get maggots.  Here are my results so far:


Peach (heavily -- the worst)
Lemon Drop Mangosteen
Black surinam cherry (heavily -- the worst)
Surinam cherry (heavily -- the worst)
Fig (infested when ripe)
Cherry of the Rio Grande
Papaya (infested with papaya fruit fly)


Star Fruit / Carambola
Barbados Cherry
Jamaica Cherry (Muntingia)
Peanut Butter Fruit
Sugar Apple
Ice Cream Bean


White Sapote (had some ripe fruit infested but trying to pick earlier this year)
Jaboticaba (haven't had any yet)
Cabelluda (haven't had any yet)
Achacha (Achairu) (haven't had any yet)
Dragon Fruit (haven't had any yet)
Pitanga (haven't had fruit yet)


I bought a Joyner Red dragon fruit from Hopkins Nursery at a plant show recently.  I'm trying to get some info on the variety to see if it's self pollinating or not, but nothing shows up.  Does anyone have any knowledge of this variety?  Thanks.

Does anyone else have experience with Emperor lychees?  I have a tree that started producing about 4 years ago and has produced loads of fruit every single year since.  I live in Central Florida (Orlando area.).   When I got the tree from a fella in south Florida, I was told this variety hardly produced at all for him. All I can guess is that this tree requires a bit more cold than south Florida typically provides.  Anyway, big nice tasting lychees.  Loads of them.  Does anyone else have this tree, and what is your experience with it?  As an example, my Brewster and Hak Ip produce every other year.  Mauritius is about the same (nothing special) and Sweetheart produces every year as well. Weird to have such random fruit production.


I have to be honest. I'm growing tired of growing a fruit tree to maturity only to find that the fruit is infested with Caribbean fruit fly maggots; or whatever maggots. I've purchased some exclusion netting and will use it, but I've removed many a peach tree because I just can't deal with that darn fruit fly. The peaches grown here in Florida are just too hard to bag.

Besides mango, jackfruit and lychee, are there any other fruits that are resistant to fruit fly attacks?  I just want to grow the fruit and not have to bag every darn thing. 

Things that I no longer grow in quantity:  peaches (miss them), plums, papaya, surinam cherry, Cherry of the Rio Grande, wax jambu, and Grumichama. 

Anyone else having problems with these things?



Part of my winter freeze protection is to fill a 5 gallon black colored bucket with water, cover it with a top and leave it at the base of the fruit tress for nighttime warmth. Well, I just noticed I left a bucket still out under my hak-ip tree. The water was pretty hot since our spring Florida heat is here, but I didn't think about it and dumped the water close to the base of the tree. Two days later I noticed that the leaves were all dried out. It isn't lacking irrigation, so I'm at a loss.  Do you think that bucket of water killed the tree?  Man, I hope it flushes back out. What a stupid mistake on my part.

I have a sweetheart, a Mauritius, a Hak Ip, a Brewster and an Emperor.  From what people tell me, my Emperor should be the hardest to get to flower and fruit. For whatever reason here in Orlando, it's my most reliable producer by far. The darn thing blooms and fruits every year. I've got a ton of flowers so far this year.  For the other varieties, nada. What am I doing wrong?  Isn't the Brewster supposed to be one of the most reliable producers?

Concerning this bout of cold we just had in Florida, in my area of Orlando we bottomed out at 32.4 degrees -- was hovering close to 32 for about 3 to 4 hours. I was dead sure that my mango blossoms were all going to die (I have about 40 trees), but surprisingly they are all fine. No damage whatsoever. Insects are happily buzzing around the flowers a couple of days after as if nothing happened. I'm writing this because common wisdom on the internet says that mango blossoms are damaged or will die when the temp drops below 40F -- I've read this in a lot of places; not true in my case by a long shot. I really think the blossoms need to go below freezing to actually get ruined.

Anyone else with similar experience?


My Kary and Fwang Tung trees produced very small and 'hard' fruit this year. The Kary fruit looks fibrous and not juicy. The appearance of the skin is very dark opaque too (not anthracnose though) -- not the clear golden orange that I'm used to. What could be wrong?  Is there a trick to producing big beautiful looking fruit?


I'm thinking of wiping out my low chill peaches here in Orlando -- too much trouble with Caribbean fruit fly.  I'd like to perhaps replace them with Tropic Sweet and Anna low chill apple trees.   Does anyone have any experience growing apples in 9b (particularly around Orlando Florida.)  I'm wondering if they are relatively easy to grow and will produce apples in abundance. Any fungus issues?



Tropical Fruit Discussion / COTRG stem/limb die back?
« on: June 30, 2018, 11:38:14 PM »

I just started growing COTRG (cherry of the Rio Grande) and have 5 plants in the ground here in Orlando, Fl. I've noticed that I have stems and limbs dieing back every so often. The trees are still growing and putting out new leaves, but it's frustrating to see the trees not growing as well as they could due to this limb death. I'm afraid it will eventually kill the trees. Anyone else experience this and are the trees still worth growing?  What could be causing it?  The trees are planted in good soil with full sun. I'm not overwatering either.


Chrobrego in Orlando

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