Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade
SEEKING: Pistachios
When they are in season, I would be interested in viable scions and seeds.
(I am extremely careful, but a couple of my Ebay purchases disintegrated, overnight.)
I germinated a seed from a local supermarket that sells them fresh. I'm not sure when they sell them. I also don't know what to do with it. I heard I'll need 2 trees?
Before the pistachio was bred into different varieties, they would have been predominantly male or female.
But, the Antep and Gold Crop / California Gold were reportedly bred to be self fertile, after several generations.
In my experience, self-fertile trees of any kind are still much more productive, when planted near others, because this still results in more chances for pollination -- even though the tree is technically capable of fertilizing itself.
If you're able to locate these seeds, again, I keep a modest amount of spending money, barter, or pay it forward.
:) Thanks for posting in my thread.
Never heard about self-fertile pistachios I think they are dioecious, arent they?
I didn't realize Beaumont was relatively close. I don't remember the price but even $5/lb doesn't translate into much.
I don't know where to get the good varieties though. A friend in San Diego said she had 2 trees.
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