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Marula Tree Sapplings or its seeds
John Johnson, India:
Where in India can I get Marula tree saplings or its seeds? Please advise.
Hi John
I dont think marula belongs in the temperate section it shold be in the tropical ;D
Iv sent many seeds to India so there must be small trees by now but Im not sure if anywhere in India has any fruiting Marulas?
John Johnson, India:
Dear Stuart,
I immensely appreciate your kind response so promptly. I thank you for this.
Now may I request you if any one person in the state of Kerala may sell any saplings made from the seeds you have sent? Or alternatively, could you kindly send some seeds on your terms, to me?
Let us see the possibility. Kindly reply.
With Warm Regards :)
--- Quote from: John Johnson, India on August 21, 2015, 06:09:58 AM ---Dear Stuart,
I immensely appreciate your kind response so promptly. I thank you for this.
Now may I request you if any one person in the state of Kerala may sell any saplings made from the seeds you have sent? Or alternatively, could you kindly send some seeds on your terms, to me?
Let us see the possibility. Kindly reply.
With Warm Regards :)
--- End quote ---
Hmmm it must be there but I couldn't steer you in the right direction of saplings for sale sorry:(
Maybe another forum member from Kerala knows?
If you can't find locally sure I have Marula and I'm happy to trade. I prefer trade if possible though if you dont have anything to trade I'm flexible.
P.m me
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