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Messages - skhan

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: One last tree
« on: July 09, 2015, 09:16:23 AM »
Rob, Zands
Thanks for the suggestions.
My father has a big sapodilla tree and Barbados cherry tree so I have more than i know what to do with.
As for canistel, the ones I've eaten taste nice but i can't see myself eaten it out of hand. Definitely would work in smoothie. Are all varieties usually as dry as a cooked egg yolk?
Haven't heard of red lime ,i'll check that out when i go to Excalibur.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / One last tree
« on: July 09, 2015, 08:25:32 AM »
I have one more spot in my yard for a fruit tree. (until I give in and find one more) ;)

Currently I have 11 mangoes, 3 atemoyas (lisa, gefner), custard apple, soursop, 2 Jackfruit, lemon, ice cream bean, 2 malay apple, guava, abiu, and starapple.
Also have spots picked out for an avocado, starfruit, lychee, mulberry and Jaboticaba

The last spot can hold a tree around 10ft wide and high.
I would prefer to have a fruit tree that doesn't produce in mango season.

I've gone through various lists of fruits but nothing is seems to be jumping out. Annona are always nice but don't know much about rollinia or ilama and haven't tasted them.
Do anyone have a suggestion?

Out of the bunch i got only two were smashed. I'd say thats pretty good.
Taste great but sad to see them go. :'(

Might be too late but sent a PM

The single best Lychee for your needs will depend on your personal taste preferences and whether you put quality over production.
Simon, Thanks for the info.
I don't really mind the acid content of Mauritius but the small seeds of sweetheart makes it hard to pass. Does it fruit reliably in Florida?
If I had to prioritize I would say; (1) Reliability, (2) Production, (3) Flavor.

Thanks, I'll take a few pieces.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / If you had to get one lychee variety...
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:04:06 AM »
I asked on a previous post where was good place to get a big lychee tree from, I was pointed to Excalibur. (Thanks Again)
I was originally set on sweetheart but the more I look into it seems that people are saying it's overrated.
So this leads to my question, If you could only fit one lychee tree in your yard would variety would it be?

I took my method from nature. Similar to sea turtles, I flood the front yard with mangoes (VP's) hoping  they all of them don't get stolen.
The better mango varieties are in the backyard. ;D :P

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Wanted: 15 gal lychee
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:00:30 AM »
Excalibur has them for sure.

Awesome thanks,
I'll probably head up there sometime in July. Do remember the price range?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: 15 gal lychee
« on: June 25, 2015, 09:11:26 AM »
Hello all,
I'm looking for a big lychee tree around the 15 gal range. From reading the other posts, it seems like Sweatheart is the way to go. Can someone point me in the right direction. What is the normal price point?
Thanks in advanced

Co-workers have similar reactions when I bring fruit like anon, sapodilla, and even starfruit to work.
Same thing here, however one of my coworkers is now in love with sapodilla. Every time I bring some in i make sure to give him a piece. He describes it as a brown sugar pear, sounds like a pretty accurate description to me.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: June 23, 2015, 08:40:29 AM »
Hello everyone,
I live in Coral Springs, FL. I grew up exposed to a lot of tropical fruits due to having West Indian parents, however I didn't get bitten by the bug until around 4 years ago. Since then I purchased a house and have been planting fruit trees like a mad man. Currently I'm growing 11 mango varieties, atemoya, custard apple, soursop, jackfruit, star apple, abui, Ice cream bean, Malay Apple, Guava and a few others. Wish i knew about this forum before i began but i guess you live and learn. Looking forward to meeting some of you from South Florida and learning about different tropical fruits.

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