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Here all the 1 year old seedlings which have seen several freeze days and -8 ° C ,
(pictures of Chandler x Bloomsweet I already posted here) now winter damages shows
from dead/heavy damage (N1 tri Voss) to nearly no damage (Citrumelo N82).
Chandler x Bloomsweet now also shows more damage, but slso some still look quite good
as a positive surprise.
Also very interesting how different the frost hardiness within
one variety.
Because the stickers can' t be red, here the varieties
from left (worst) to right (best):
N1 tri Voss, 5* Citrumelo, Yuzu, Chandler x Bloomsweet, Citrumelo N82
It is around 3.5 meters high. Completely hardy without any protection being in ground since 2012.
The lowest temperature for this period has been -12C.
That was my experience, the hardiness was largely compromised by the presence of soft new growth as well as fruits hanging on the tree.
It could be something connected with late summer growth.
As a rule I remove all new growth appearing after the middle of August. As you know I am hundreds kilometers North to you , this winter had -9.6C for several nights and 10 days without soil defreze. Some damage to Yuzus, but not even leaves loss on N1tri.