These are pics of my Pickering Mango, my lychee looks just like it , its not burnt from fert. tress are watered 3 times a week... not sue if this a bug or Bactria problem .... Thank you for all your help
Have a red center lime fruiting for the first time, wondering when to pick them? they are about the size of a small egg right now fell full but firm almost black in color
I have a Blood Lime setting fruit for the first time, how does one know when they are ripe and ready to pick? they are around the size of a small egg right now
Best cado that I can keep around 12 feet and still get quality fruit from.... I’m in north west broward county 4 miles east of the Everglades.... thanks for all your help
Hey fellas, looking to grow a few pinapples but I'm not a huge fan of cutting the tops off of store bought pineapples 🍍..... And where do I get it! Thanks for you advice Joe
Wondering if abiu is worth growing? Have a z4 but not sure if I need 2 trees to pollinate or if it's selffertial ,also never had abiu it tasty? also if anyone in south Florida is growing they can give me some tips on growing, full sun? Feeding? Watering? Ect ect ect
Anyone else growing fruit punch mango tree in south Florida, mine has had only one flush since I got it ( was one of the first ones) seems to be a very slower grower for me! Any updates from others?