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Topics - jtnguyen333

Pages: [1] 2
Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / ISO Cot-n-candy scion
« on: September 21, 2024, 12:59:42 PM »
Looking for cot-n-candy scion within driving distance of san diego area.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Newcastle apricot
« on: June 27, 2024, 07:41:37 PM »
I've heard of this apricot variety from a stone fruit group on Facebook.  It was an LE Cooke variety and he said it was the most consistent producer for a low chill climate.  He had it a while back when he was still living in Carlsbad.  It is almost non-existent in the US despite it was grown in California.  Anyone know anything about this variety? 

Temperate Fruit Discussion / top work apricot in july
« on: June 19, 2024, 12:40:23 AM »
I have this apricot for 5 years now.  The total fruit I got from 5 years is less than 20.   So I decided to stump it soon. Is mid-summer the the right time to stump a couple of main branches and do a bark graft?  The tree has 3 main branches.  Each branch is 2.5" to 3.5" in diameter.  I will stump 2 of the 3 and graft something else onto it.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Alano Sapodilla Fruit set
« on: September 12, 2023, 03:12:25 PM »
This year, my alano sapodilla has thousand of flowers but no fruit set.  All the buds seems to be drying and dying off.  Is there a way to improve the fruit set?  I give it extra water & fertilizer this year.  Does it need to be cross-pollinated?  Location zone 10a/b.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / source to buy rootstock
« on: September 04, 2022, 04:23:08 PM »
Is there a good source to buy a couple to rootstock for stone fruit trees?

Citrus General Discussion / Tango mandarin flowering again
« on: July 06, 2022, 12:27:24 PM »
My tango has a flush of flowering at this time of the year.  The amount of bloom is almost as much as in the spring?  Has anyone seen this before?  For background information, this tango had a big flushed of blooms in the spring but set very few fruits.

Citrus General Discussion / leaves cupping / curling
« on: June 07, 2022, 01:12:27 PM »
What are the possible cause for leaves cupping like a taco?  Updated with the correct picture.

Citrus General Discussion / sign of citrus greening
« on: June 03, 2022, 11:58:18 AM »
Location is san diego out of the quarantine area.  However, I'm seeing signs on my trees that I think could be citrus greening (huang long bin).  These trees were healthy as recent as 2 months ago with full of little fruits.  I fed them with micronutrients in late February so I think it is not a micronutrients deficiency.  But I left town for 9 days 6 weeks ago and when I came back it deteriorated.  Below are some pictures.  I have contacted CDFA and they will have someone calli me next week to check.  I'm dreading this.  Two of the trees in the photos are sumo and one is a multigrafted.  Do they look like citrus greening?

Citrus General Discussion / picking cutting for propagation
« on: July 01, 2021, 09:08:18 PM »
What should be the size and age of the branch/cutting for propagation?  Do you pick the cutting when it is still green and soft?

Citrus General Discussion / picking scion for grafting
« on: March 26, 2021, 11:41:51 AM »
my tango in a 15 gallon container is flushing with new growth or flower on almost every bud.  Is it too late to take scion wood from it for cuttings?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / How to tell when Canistel are ripen
« on: December 28, 2020, 12:13:38 AM »
I bought a couple of canistels from a local vendor 3 days ago.  When I bought them, they are rock hard.  Now they have soften a little bit.  When it is ready to eat this fruit?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / selling my glenn mango tree
« on: December 22, 2020, 03:46:03 PM »
Update: SOLD

I bought this glenn mango tree from Champa nursery about 2 years ago.  I'm selling it for $90 terra cotta pot included.  I've been growing it in this terra cotta pot since.  This pot is about the size of a 10 gallon nursery pot.  Need to downsize because I have too many trees in my yard.  The terra cotta pot is included in the price.  If you don't want the terra cotta pot, then after you plant the tree in the ground and return the terra cotta pot to me, I will refund $15.  The tree has fruited this year.  It was carrying about 3 fruits the size of a satsuma mandarin when the branch carrying the 3 fruits just broke.   Located in San Diego area.  Pick up only.

Citrus General Discussion / growing in half oak wine barrel
« on: September 05, 2020, 05:08:45 PM »
Has anyone try to grow in an oak wine barrel cut in half?  Do you think root bound won't be a problem with this type of container?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / tree box planter
« on: July 14, 2020, 01:18:37 AM »
Typically large trees at nursery are put in these trapezoid box 24" or 36" wide at the top and smaller at the bottom?  Does anyone know why these type of box are  used?   Does it help with the root of the tree?

Citrus General Discussion / branch die off
« on: April 29, 2020, 10:38:47 PM »
I noticed recently the branch at the top of the canopy on moro orange started to die off.  This is after a foliage growth at the bottom and middle of the tree.  Anyone has any idea?

Citrus General Discussion / t-budding update from cccp scion
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:43:49 PM »
So I did some t-budding onto a carrizo exactly 3 weeks ago.   I remove the grafting tape this morning.  I'm not sure the t-bud take or not.  Can anyone take a look at let me know which one takes? 

Citrus General Discussion / grafting scion from CCCP
« on: March 05, 2020, 11:56:52 AM »
Yesterday I received the scion from CCCP.  I ordered Xie Shan, USDA 88-2, and Boukhobza.  I used mostly T-bud on my Carizzo rootstock in a pot.  Very easy to lift the bark this time of the year.   I did a couple of cleft grafts but the budwood is too small so I don't think they will take.  So after budding and wrapped with buddy tape, do I need to cover the graft union with alumninum foil and keep it under shade?

Citrus General Discussion / lemon foliage drop
« on: February 19, 2020, 12:43:25 PM »
Hi all..

My eureka lemon tree leaves is yellowing and dropping too much at this time of the year. I also see quite a few flowerss on it.  Is this tree stressed because of too many flowers or lack of feeding?  The last time I fed it was on February 1st with an organic fert of 6-6-5.  I have some pics attached.

Citrus General Discussion / grafting and budding citrus
« on: February 18, 2020, 12:51:37 PM »
I'm in zone 10a, san diego area.  Is now the right time to graft and bud citrus yet?

Citrus General Discussion / New citrus variety: Banzzai
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:48:43 PM »
Has anyone been able to taste this yet?  It's only available in Spain so far.  Look like a Shiranui.

Four wind growers are selling citrus rootstock for $4 a tree in a 1 gallon pot.  See links below.  The minimum purchase is 8.  I don't need that much.   Anyone in the san diego area want to chip in with me to get to the minimum 8?   I will cover the shipping cost if there is any.


Citrus General Discussion / Tango mandarin stunted after re-pot
« on: December 07, 2019, 11:37:20 AM »
I bought a Tango mandarin from four winds grower in middle of October.  The plant potting mix was a mixture of fir bark and peat moss.  So I decided to bare root the tree and repot it in a more gritty mix and still well drained.  I re-potted it on 10/14/2019.  I also gave it a scoop of osmocote plus.  I leave it in the shade for two weeks.  After two weeks, I brought it out to full sun.  Since then, the plant has been stunted.  The new growth/leaves are yellow.  The old ones are turning yellow also.  Do you think this is a seasonal issue or lack of nutrients?


Citrus General Discussion / soil test report
« on: November 13, 2019, 02:39:10 PM »
I finally dug a sample of soil from my trees and send it in for  a soil report.  The report came back.  According to the report, the soil is extremely low in nitrogen and high in sulfur.  pH is relatively high at 6.9.  I fertilize every two months.  Since the report, I used blood meal as nitrogen.  Is the cause of the problem is due to iron deficiency?  which is better for iron deficiency?  chelated iron or soil acidifier with iron?  thanks

Hi all..

My gold nugget has been struggling ever since transplanted in May.  It was ravaged by bug and aphids in the summer and finally look to recover.  Now the leaves are all yellow even the young one.  From the photos, do they suffer from lack of micronutrients or just nitrogen?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Ragged looking Sir Prize
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:50:06 PM »
My sir prize was transplanted in March 2019 from a 15 gallon pot.  It already flowered and vigorous looking when transplanted.  I removed all but 2 of the fruits when they set.  Now the tree is looking really sick and ragged.  I'm guessing it is due to bearing fruit too early.  People told me not to let it fruit during the first year.  From the photos do you guys think the trees with all the leaves turned yellow and burnt at the the edges is a seasonal thing or due to carrrying fruit too early? 

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