thanks everyone for your input!
yeah, because I heard from JF that he had stripped the leaves around March? I guess I did it too late this time.. "End of Winter" would probably be February? For the other ones I have (sugar apple, cherimoyas, atemoyas) I stripped half leaves and kept half on.. just in case
let's see how everything goes.. our winter here in Southern CA isn't too cold though.. only really about a week or two around 40s.. it gets hotter, then colder, hotter, then colder.. even now the temps are fluctuating a lot.. these few days we are getting 80s during the day.. while the next week's forecast it will drop below 70s..
mine are 1st year in ground.. first year, I pulled all the flowers and let the plants grow.. maybe they are all still too young to hold fruit? I guess I will probably let them grow out for another year.. Right now, only the custard apple has 1 flower.. none of the others have flowers.. maybe I'm doing something wrong? This is the 2nd year only, so I'm still learning.. I add fertilizer in the fall and in the spring already (things like steer manure, dynagro 7-9-5, jack's fertilizer 20-20-20 (just once in the fall), and even organic fertilizer like Dr. Earth Organics 9).. maybe another year then?
Sarteneja Custard Apple
June 2014
Cherimoya - Honeyhart with Pink's Mammoth
June 2014
Cherimoya - Unknown - friend gave it to me in a tiny plastic 4" pot and it grew to this size
Lindstrom Atemoya with Fino de Jete and Campas
June 2014
June 2014
Sugar Apple
April 2014