Citrus > Citrus General Discussion

pomelo snack


Mike T:
I am eating a pretty standard pale fleshed pomelo this evening. It is not a fancy new seedless red just the common thai/viet and it is very nice.They have no taint like some grapefruit and are less sour being more like an orange I suppose .

They can be peeled fast while keeping your hands dry and eaten 'dry' because juice stays in the vesicles.The other 70% of the peeled fruit will last a long time in the fridge as segments weren't broken open.
It will be 2 more seasons until my Carter's Red which is supposed to be an elite variety starts fruiting properly.


Pomelos can be nice if they're sweet. Not a fan of the bitter ones that turn up in the supermarkets.

Each year, we are flooded by chinese cv. Honey pomelo here. It is in fact very good sweet pomelo when properly ripe. This is the main pomelo in shops here, sometimes vietnamese pomelo, or israely Jaffa red pomelo hybrid (identical to US cv. Chandler), or Jaffa Sweetie hybrid (identical to US cv. Oroblanco)  appear, but they are not that good.

Mike T:
There are many types of pomelo (pummelo) around here but the nurseries are narrowing selections with nam roi, flick's yellow,tahitian and carters red dominating now. They are sweeter and bigger if grown in a hot and humid climate. That honey pomelo looks interesting.

I have one full sized pomelo on my tree, i planted it last year in a pot. It is tabtim siam a very red variety. This variety costs the most of all in Thailand. I wonder though when it should be picked.


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