Citrus > Cold Hardy Citrus

A non bitter larger Poncirus?

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Giant garden lemon (Poncirus trifoliata "Debreceni and Bácska giant")  shown in the photos
. Unlike the basic species, its fruit is not bitter and not the size of a ping-pong ball! Great frost-tolerant collector's selection, with large fruits (5 cm diameter!), without the bitter taste characteristic of the basic species! It is a very winter-hardy, high-yielding variety. A single plant is enough, no stamens are required. Container bush or sedge.


I'm sure Hungary is HLB free if anyone knows how to import seeds XD

I am going to check the source. Thank you for the tip. I am, however, a little bit skeptical that it is so different a cultivar from the standard Poncirus. I mean 5 cm fruit diameter is quite common for Poncirus in Germany. It is also not unusual that Poncirus has non-bitter fruits. A greater surprise would be when it had non-resinuous fruits. But the seller says nothing about resin or the absense of it. I also have some doubt that the flowers of this cultivar are really flagrant. I definitely know that Poncirus with flagrant flowers exist but these cultivars are so extemly rare that it amounts to a miracle when the seller really had a Poncirus that is a) extremly hardy, b) flagrant, and c) good tasting. A bit too good to be true I would say. And then this praise of attributes that are not unusual at all (5 cm fruit diameter, no bitter taste) - that sound just like sensationalism to me.

Yet I believe in surprises and I am curious.  :)

He lives quite close to me. I want to visit him this fall. I will try to buy or ask for a few fruits to try. And I need PT seedlings anyway for my future breeding plans. His site lists a lot of other exciting stuff, too. If you guys want me to check any more particular plants of his above his PT, write your requests here. If he sells fruits, I think it's even
possible to send one by mail within Europe. But we'll see that around late September or October. His PT plants are quite pricey, though. They better be real good for those prices.

I am interested. Also for other plants.


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