Citrus > Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade
red or pink finger like or desert lime
Where does everyone in the US get red or pink finger limes or desert limes?
I saw that logees sells red champagne finger limes but unfortunately we live in the states they don’t ship to
I recall at least one person mentioned that the "red" fingerlime available in US is more like brown and not very good tasting. I ordered a grafted one years ago but the scion died and so now I have the fruiting rootstock green type. It seems the interesting types are not available in US at all. Maybe one day we can get some scion from Australia.
There is also the "blood lime" but I don't know much about it, Logees now sells it for a premium I understand but some forum members might have scion.
I would trust Logees if I were to buy one. Few years back I bought and killed a rooted Aussie Blood Lime cutting from a TFF member (I would have to go back and look). So a few people have a few of those floating around.
Is it the actual “red champagne” from Australia? They have a commercial variety they grow under that name that is meant to be quite good.
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