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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Ilama seedlings dropping new growth
« on: October 28, 2020, 08:35:11 PM »
So I sowed Ilama seeds or to be more exact Annona diversifolia seeds and they grew well outdoors during late spring throughout now. I had to bring them inside recently because temperatures have dropped in my area. Within the first day I left them under grow lights with my other plants they started blistering and dropping all their new growth. The stems where the new growth drops also seems affected. The mature leaves seem unaffected. My soursop, guava and other plants don’t react negatively in this way. Anyone experienced this and can possibly explain why this is happening? Could it possibly be low humidity, soil temperature, light intensity, maybe something else entirely? I’m guessing the source may be in the roots. If I can keep them alive and thriving again next year, I’ve been thinking of trying to graft onto my soursop and cherimoyas and seeing if there are any changes for next winter. Until then I would like to figure out how to keep them alive. Thanks!

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