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Messages - hardyvermont

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Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Grapefruit cold harness
« on: January 22, 2025, 11:22:56 AM »
Hershell Boyd says that UGA Pink Frost Grapefruit is from a tree growing well in a yard in South Georgia.  There is nothing extra special about it.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: ? bird damage ?
« on: January 16, 2025, 10:28:16 PM »
How high up on the tree is it?  Maybe rabbit or deer.

Duck Duck Go on Firefox hallucinated the following when I searched for "Roy Pomelo"

My mother's new 45 years old Grapefruit (hybrid?) tree
Jan 4, 2025My seedling pomelo tree took 7 yrs and now I get nice big pomelo fruits of "Roy" pomelo each year, and the taste dramatically improved. I transplanted my neighbor's 45yr old Meyer lemon tree that had 1200 fruits when I dug it up, it has been a year now, and the tree is showing signs of new

It probably won't bloom unless it gets tall enough.  There is a theory that a citrus tree requires a certain number of leaf nodes between the top and the base of the tree before it will bloom.  Not the total number of leaves on the tree but between the top and roots.  Girdling can sometimes force blooming.  Grapefruit takes longer than most citrus to bloom even when grown under more natural conditions. 

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Tetraploid Satsuma
« on: December 27, 2024, 09:32:14 AM »
A researcher from University of Florida said that tetraploid citrus would be more sensitive to drought conditions.  The larger xylem cells would be more likely to get air in them and be permanently unable to transport water to the leaves.  Standard citrus seems to be susceptible to this problem when first getting established. 
Some crops such as strawberries have higher chromosome numbers.  Crossing tetraploid citrus with each other could increase the possibilities for new and improved qualities.  The breeding of tetraploid daylilies has introduced never before seen flower colors and shapes.  Perhaps that could happen with citrus, including more hardiness. 

It was totally unprotected.  This is a poncirus tree that was established in ground when the graft was added.  It had been on the poncirus about 6 years, it had fruit for the first time the previous autumn.  The true temperature could have been lower by another degree C

My unprotected Keraji high grafted onto poncirus barely survived approximately -13 C. 

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: New Citrumelos: Bishop and Dingle
« on: December 08, 2024, 01:08:40 PM »
The Bishop citrandarin has been more simply been called the Bishop.  Adding another plant with a similar name will cause confusion.  Now every time a plant is mentioned, it needs to be called a Bishop citrandarin or a Bishop citrumelo.  Before this name gets established, let's name this plant Iva Swingle.  The name contains more information, as it is most probably a seedling of a tree that grew in Iva South Carolina.  Bishop would continue to be used for the citrandarin, and Iva for a probable Swingle seedling.

The parent tree was probably a rootstock that survived after the original edible citrus tree died.  The fruit was collected several years ago so I am not positive.

Currently the tree has curled leaves.  The picture is from a protected area where it is easier to see the leaves.  They are not serrated leaves, and not thickened, so probably not tetraploid

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Graft method with leaves attached
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:36:22 AM »

Mikkel: This may be linked to auxin formation in the apical meristem and in the uppermost leaves. Auxins promote callus formation. It might be possible that the presence of an auxin source favors attachment success...

Good idea.
Maybe sugars trying to get to the root stimulates the connection? 

Lauta_hibrid: I usually leave a leaf from the graft root inside the bag with the mini graft (which also has leaves). This leaf from the root usually accumulates moisture when it transpires inside, and helps the graft leaves stay hydrated.

I am going to encase the entire plant in a clear plastic bag, leaves not covered with parafilm do dry out. 

Citrus General Discussion / Graft method with leaves attached
« on: November 10, 2024, 11:42:29 PM »
I have a modified a grafting method that is more reliable for me.

The major difference is that a few leaves of the grafting material are not removed.

2 or 3 leaves are covered with Type M parafilm on all sides, including the stem. 

Cleft graft is made. 

Graft is wrapped in type M parafilm, Rubber band is wrapped around graft, and a final wrapping of the graft is made.

Wet paper towel is placed near the wrapped leaves, and the top of the plant is covered with a clear plastic bag.

Plant is placed under 12 hour  grow light. 

Parafilm wrapped leaves do not fall off, and the grafted material puts out new growth in a few weeks. 

Not using parafilm on the leaves and just a wet clear plastic bag is less successful. 

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: A non bitter larger Poncirus?
« on: October 15, 2024, 02:05:02 PM »
The fruit in your pictures appears to have more pulp than is usual for poncirus.  Perhaps it isn't the pure species.

The only Prague that has produced fruit for me is grafted onto a Flying Dragon.  Has anyone had better luck getting Prague to fruit on Flying Dragon?

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Trifoliate
« on: August 15, 2024, 11:42:49 PM »
Keeping them in the shade and out of the wind should be enough, even down to 0.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Citremon hardiness
« on: August 07, 2024, 05:58:30 PM »
Stan brought fruit to the Citrus Expo last year.  I believe the tree had two types of fruit.  Grooved fruit were seedless, seed in round fruit.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: F2 citrange winter hardiness trial
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:21:24 PM »
In the second picture it looks like the plant is a tetraploid.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Growing oranges in FL
« on: July 22, 2024, 12:40:46 PM »
UF/IFAS has developed a few varieties that are recommended for the home landscape. These include:

Sugar Belle®- a rich-flavored, delicious mandarin with first harvest in mid-November to late December; HLB-tolerant

Marathon mandarin -- fruit matures early and is attractive; peels fairly easily; seedless, not messy and great flavor; HLB-tolerant

There is also a tree that was discovered in an orchard without symptoms and is being propagated with great excitement, don't know the name and an internet search is not yielding results.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Pinkish Purple flower buds
« on: July 07, 2024, 03:15:24 PM »
There were 11 seedlings.  They vary in vigor.  Not all of them have bloomed yet, they are about 8 years old.  The plant with with this purple flower has died.  Flavor among them is generally sour with some bitterness and decent brix, one of them tastes good enough to sample twice.  Another tree has flowers with long curling petals and very shiny leaves.  They survived 8 degrees F a few years ago.  F2 seedlings are years away from flowering. 

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Grapefruit, Orange Leaf Pics
« on: July 06, 2024, 12:27:00 PM »
Dig a hole next to a plant to check for soil moisture.  You don't know if there is too much or too little moisture unless you look.  Chicken manure is extremely high in nitrogen and can easily burn your tree.  Something like Osmocote plus is a better choice as it releases fertilizer slowly.  Protect your plants from full sun until they are larger. 

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Early bloom?
« on: June 13, 2024, 12:10:00 PM »

On a  side note, it was under low  water  and  very hot temperatures outside.

Is  this  normal or just rare genetics?  What can  I  expect from this plant?
Severe stress will cause citrus to bloom

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold hardy Olive
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:23:17 AM »
The AI program Perplexity provided this:
Yes, there are a few olive tree varieties that can potentially thrive in USDA Zone 7, though they will require some extra care and protection during cold winters. Based on the search results: The Mission olive tree is considered one of the hardiest, able to tolerate temperatures down to around 20°F (-7°C). As one of the oldest American olive varieties developed in California, it is well-suited for the west coast climate including Zone 7. The Frantoio olive tree from Italy is rated as very cold-hardy, tolerating temperatures down to around 10°F (-12°C). It is recommended for growing in the Pacific Northwest which includes parts of Zone 7. The Arroniz olive variety from Spain has a very high cold tolerance rating of 5 out of 5, potentially able to withstand temperatures below 0°F (-18°C). This makes it a good candidate for Zone 7 climates. The Chemlali olive tree from Tunisia is described as more cold hardy than most, tolerating Zone 7 temperatures. Its compact size also makes it suitable for smaller yards. While not ideal, the Arbequina olive can sometimes survive in Zone 7 if given extra protection like planting near a warm south or west-facing wall. But it may suffer damage in extremely cold winters. So in summary, while olive trees prefer warmer climates, with proper varietal selection like Mission, Frantoio, Arroniz or Chemlali, and by providing warm microclimate conditions, it is possible to grow olives in the cooler Zone 7 regions.

The actual answers have links to the provided information

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold hardy Olive
« on: June 01, 2024, 10:56:44 AM »
I did not know where to post this since it is not citrus but thought you all are growing cold hardy stuff so thought you might have info on cold hardy olives. I know alot of people that plant Arbequina but I don't think it will make it in zone 7. So is anyone growing olives in zone 7 and what kinds do you all recommend?
Arbequina is not hardy, wish someone in the US had this.
Variety found in the Lodévois basin. It is the only olive tree capable of withstanding – 25°C in adulthood . Medium vigor olive tree. Ball-shaped habit, sometimes semi-erect. Medium fruit, sometimes large, flattened at both ends.

I thought the flavor was as good as store bought fruit.  The problem is getting the tree to produce fruit.  I am still struggling to get one fruit.  An advantage of growing citrus outside of the usual areas is that you will not need pesticides.  An Owari grown outside of the citrus zone has blemish free fruit without pesticides. 

Virginia Fruit Grower on his channel discussed the problem of lack of fruit with Stan.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: F2 citrange winter hardiness trial
« on: April 12, 2024, 10:39:27 AM »
Did you do anything to speed up flowering? 

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Hardy citrus in PNW
« on: April 09, 2024, 12:52:07 PM »
Meiwa did not fare well in a coastal South Carolina trial.  It is probably less hardy than other kumquats.

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