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Messages - cotter pin

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: New favorite mulberry
« on: September 10, 2024, 02:24:43 PM »
When are you going to offer cuttings ?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bolt Mango- UNPARALLELED taste discovery.
« on: September 10, 2024, 02:21:00 PM »
 I was at that taste test you had at Starbucks and was fortunate to taste that Bolt... it was a phenomenal tasting mango. I too have heard mixed reviews on it and you bring up some great thoughts on soil ph and location that could effect the taste. I still have a hard time swallowing the price that grafted Bolt saplings are priced at, so I have not added it to my collection. I hope you have another mango tasting again next year, Vincent.


That's so wrong fliptop
That is the Hary mango LOL

LOL...looks like a "dirty Sanchez" Mango.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Rabbit damage on seedling loquat?
« on: July 26, 2024, 07:33:39 AM »
 I have had issues with rabbits at our property too and have lost a few good mango trees, etc. from the rabbits chewing the trunk. I have used this product to save a few avocado trees.
 I now buy those small metal trash baskets at the dollar store, cut a hole out of the top and place them on all my small trees that go into the ground.

 I'm interested in that new un named variety that was in the recent taste tests, seems everyone really enjoyed it, but she only has the one tree of it. Hopefully she will have some grafted varieties available in the future.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Wild passion vine with red berries?
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:27:36 AM »
  It looks like Corky Stem Passion Fruit (Passaiflora Suberosa). I believe the fruits are poisonous to humans but I know butterflies love this plant. The Fruits do go though color changes until ripe, the ripe color being blackish.

 As mentioned if left alone they will all grow big, look at some of the old school varieties that have been planted years ago...they are huge. 20' apart is a good spacing for mangos or citrus, if you have the space. 16'  minimum for back yards with limited space. I believe Fruitful Trees has a video on this,,


  We have a few Red's planted in a couple of different areas around our property. We have two planted in the open on the southside of our house and receives full sun with no issues. We added charged biochar with some clay particles, we use mulch that goes 3' past the drip line. The trees give us plenty of fruit and have had no issues with soil ph or added fert. The other one is planted on a raised mound that receives dappled shade though out the day and again planted in biochar and clay particles with a mulch layer and it does just as good as the one in full sun. From my understanding Jabo's are an understory tree and will do better in dappled shade, but have not had any issues with the one on the sun with no special ferts added.

 What a nice tasting event Vincent thanks for hosting it and having it inside was a bonus. We enjoyed tasting mangos, lychee and grapes.  It was nice to meet you and others as well and share stories and knowledge with one another. Bolt...what can I say except what a, Bolt is the bomb! I will be planting our Orange essence tree soon. Thanks again and thanks for sharing your knowledge of grafting.   

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: “All Summer” Mango
« on: July 01, 2023, 09:43:03 AM »
 Correct, Marleys and All Summer are the same thing.

  Thank you for the responses, maybe I will just ignore the leaf miners, from what I understand is that it is just aesthetic and does no long term damage. I wonder is moringa leaf extract sprayed on leaves will work?(we have plenty on the property) I have just recently heard of using it as a pest deterrent with no negative long term effects. I need to fertilize more often, I have only been doing it every three months, I will try every other month. All of our citrus trees are on raised berms that are about 50+' long, with a nice top dressing of composted organic matter, we had a dump truck full delivered to top dress the berms with decomposed wood  chips for a cover, all wood chips are away from the trunks.

  What is the best ferritization water schedule for citrus in SW Florida zone 9B? How much and how often and what type of fertilizers are you  using? What has been your best method for dealing with leaf miners? How often do you water them?

 If you can pick up a few ST Maui's trees I would be happy to purchase one from you at the event.

Mango Bacterial Black Spot aka MBBS. Keitt are especially prone due to the fact that they hang fruit throughout the rainy season.

As for treatment, I've found that a religious fortnightly spray of copper works during the rainy season. If not controlled from the get go, it can multiply and get to the point where 90% of crop is destroyed every year. Once under control, copper spraying regimen can be scaled back.

I've also heard that pruning and discarding of infected fruits keeps MBBS from spreading.

 What is your recommended mixture percentage of copper and which copper product do you recommend for blackspot? When do you spray it and how often do you spray it? ex. nightly, every other night, once a week.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Electroculture
« on: June 16, 2023, 07:20:16 AM »
I am trying it right now in a variety of plants (w/ control groups), 2 weeks in - nothing noticeable.

I am in So Cal and winding clockwise. Am I doing it wrong?

 Keep us posted on the results. I heard that if you live above the equator to wrap your wire clockwise and below the equator counter clockwise and to place the coils on the south side of your plants. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Electroculture
« on: June 15, 2023, 08:07:34 AM »
 I've been researching it and watching growers on YouTube, apparently, it's supposed to be a form of growing that has been purposely overlooked by the mainstream for years. I'm on the fence about it, from what I understand the basic form being we live in the southern hemisphere you are supposed to wrap your copper clockwise? ( if I understand correctly) and stick it in the ground about a foot or so and it allegedly gathers ether and "charges" the soil. What are your thoughts? 

Bolt mango vs Lemon Zest taste test!! Bolt and Lemon zest fresh head-to-head taste comparison at the event!


 Sorry no fruit, we lost several trees in Ian, but looking forward to attending with my wife. I have a seeding that is producing, if the mangos are decent tasting I will bring a few. I'll take the 3 gal., what price range are the 3 gallon mangos? Looking forward to the event and meeting some locals.

I'm interested, Vincent. What do I need to do to attend? I'm looking for an Orange Sherbet as well but looking for a true 7 gal size.

  We get our orange juice from Joshua Farms in Arcadia and it's not from concentrate and has been very good over the years, but I do taste a difference lately, I know the orange is not in season so I wonder if they source from a different source then themselves and wonder if it is from concentrate. Has anyone seen what happens to juice from concentrate? They basically boil the fruit down to a slurry of pulp, extract all the oxygen out of it, this includes all the nutrition, then store it in big vats for months on end, the slurry has no taste or smell, then when they make it into juice again they add perfume to make it taste like oranges again.

 Diluted orange oil works well. I heat up a solution of warm water mix in orange oil and pour on the mound and have had no issues with any of the trees we pour this solution by.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango tree flooded for 2 weeks
« on: October 26, 2022, 02:57:48 PM »
 Your mango tree will be fine. We have a few planted in an area where it floods and the water sits for a few weeks and we have had no issues, the trees have been planted there for over 6 years and produce great fruits.

  Nice post, Kaz. I am looking forward receiving my order.

cotter pin, if you don't know how to graft yet, you can root the following mulberry varieties pretty easily:

- Thai Dwarf
- Black Pakistan
- Shangri La

If you want to try rooting some Thai Dwarf, I will send you some cuttings, you just pay for the shipping cost ($10-$12) depending on the size of the box I use to ship it priority mail.
  For sure, let me know the best way to contact you. Thank you.

cotter pin, I'm surprised to hear you are growing the Noir of Spain from seeds. You must have a lot of patience to try to grow out the seeds and wait for it to fruit.

Isn't it much easier to just graft a cutting, then you will have fruits in 2 years. How old is your white pakistan and red himalayan tree/plant? If your everbearing tree is large enough you should graft a few white pakistan and red himalayan scionwood that was cut from a fruiting tree. If you don't know if your trees have fruited before, send me a PM and I have large fruiting white pakistan and red himalayan trees and I will give you a good deal for some cuttings.

 When I purchased the seeds at a seed exchange, I was thinking 5 years to fruit, but the more I read into them, I now know they they may take up to 10 years. They are still too small to use as a scion/bud wood for grafting at this point. I purchased the red Pakistan about a year ago it was about 5' tall in a 3 gallon pot and put it into the ground right after I purchased it and it is about 8-9' tall now. And, the white Pakistani and Tice I just purchased and put into the ground about 3 months ago. I have actually eaten fruits of of the Tice, only a few... but it's pushing fruits.
  I do not know much about grafting mulberries at this point, but if I need some cuttings I will defiantly be in touch with you. Those Thai Dwarf's are off the chain crazy with production! Looking good! 

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