Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: massive capulin cherry tree with tasty fruit in vista
« on: September 15, 2024, 11:06:56 PM »
Haha I was googling around for named capulin varieties and found this thread! I'm east coast but I'd still love some scions or seeds. Also interested in native select or improve p serotina.
I found some info from old threads on garden web https://www.gardenweb.com/discussions/1448977/4-n-1-capulin-cherry
and a bit more info here http://edible.wikidot.com/edible-plant:122
Apparently CFRG had other selections by various members that arent listed on the site:
Does anyone know where to get any of these plants now?
I found some info from old threads on garden web https://www.gardenweb.com/discussions/1448977/4-n-1-capulin-cherry
and a bit more info here http://edible.wikidot.com/edible-plant:122
Apparently CFRG had other selections by various members that arent listed on the site:
"Emerich #1" produces the largest cherry, a nicely flavored fruit, but with fairly strong "wild" black cherry flavor notes.
"La Roca Grande" is a selection by Ben Poirier. The fruits have a slightly milder taste than "Emerich #1". They are a little smaller than "E. #1" fruits, and ripen to a dull reddish color. ("E. #1" fruits ripen to a deep, blackish-purple color.)
"Late Lomeli" is a seedling from the capulin grove in Conejo Park (established by the local CRFG chapter). This one comes into prime ripeness about a week or two after the other cultivars. It tastes the closest to a European P. avium sweet cherry. The main drawback to this selection is that the cherries are small, nanking cherry-sized.
Does anyone know where to get any of these plants now?