Citrus > Cold Hardy Citrus

My first poncirus marmalade tastes good.

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Cindy, I researched several different recipes and didn’t feel right about any one particular recipe, but I ended up taking elements of what I wanted from that eat the weeds one you mentioned, but ultimately used the Sure-jell recipe as the foundational guide. I liked the idea of 5.5 cups sugar to 4 cups fruit better than 4 cups sugar to 4 cups fruit.


--- Quote from: usirius on October 30, 2019, 03:58:16 AM ---Can only agree with Millet,, thanks to will2358 and Citradia for such interesting recipe postings!
If you are interested, I will post an article from the 30's (written in German language) as a scan for the candying of the poncirus shells from the 30's, which used to be common in northern Europe, it may take some time.

--- End quote ---

Please do!

lehmung, will2358 and Citradia and all who would like more about the usability of fruits of Poncirus trifoliata (former botanical name: Citrus trifoliata) - here you are:

I was able to find the article I found years ago during my much more active citrus research period. At that time, there were no files, let alone scans and the like, everything was only available as hardware, often only via libraries that were mostly far away, i.e. via interlibrary loan. This is how I came to the following scientific paper about the usability of poncirus fruits.

"Über die Verwertbarkeit der Früchte von Citrus trifoliata. "
Von Dr. Alfred Mehlitz. (Eingegangen am 16. Juli 193), Mitteilung aus der Wissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Versuchsstation fur Obst- und Gemüseverwertug, Geisenheim a. Rh.,
, Seiten 568 - 573)

translated into English language:

"About the usability of fruits of Citrus trifoliata. "
From Dr. Alfred Mehlitz. (Received on 16 July 1931.) Communication from the Scientific Department of the Experimental Station for the Utilization of Fruits and Vegetables, Geisenheim a. Rh., pages 568-573

On the next six postings I will reproduce one of the six pages as a photo (scan) and a more bad than right translation, is certainly better than no translation at all - if you find any mistakes, please let me know (or keep it ;-) )

The page-by-page reproduction helps to make the reference to the original possible, in particular the tables, which are difficult to translate and to which reference is made, can then be understood to some extent even without translation.


Translation into the English language:

(Communication from the Scientific Department of the Experimental Station for the Utilization of Fruits and Vegetables, Geisenheim a. Rh.)

About the usability of fruits of Citrus trifoliata.

From Dr. Alfred Mehlitz. (Received on 16 July 1931.)

The ornamental shrub Citrus trifoliata, which is cultivated because of its rich and beautiful blossom, develops well in climatically favoured regions of South and South-West Germany. At the end of October and beginning of November, the shrub bears a lot of fruits in the shape of small Citrons. Since it is to be expected that in the future the ornamental shrub will acquire more friends who like to plant it, I have carried out studies on the usability of the large number of fruits.
My experiments were based on whole, ripe fruits, which I examined in a similar way to an examination of lemons for the usability of peel, juice and albedo. At first I could observe that the freshly harvested fruits from Citrus trifoliata deliver only very little juice when pressed. If, on the other hand, the fruits were stored for about 14 days, it was possible to obtain about 20 9'6 juice by pressing them on an ordinary household press.

If we now compare the composition of the juice obtained in this way with the composition of the juice of commercial lemons (Citrus [medica] Limonum), we get the following result:

Table 1.


Translated into the English language:

A. Mehlitz: About the usability of the fruits of Citrus trifoliata.    569

From the above comparison, we can see that the juice of the
fruits to the Citrus trifoliata is not as sour as that of the usual

Lemons. On the other hand, the total extract, the minerals and that the
Pectin content higher than in lemon juice. A very essential under-
However, the difference lies in the smell and taste of the two types of juice.

The juice of Citrus trifoliata fruits is very bitter and exceeds
In of this property even the bitter orange (Citrus [Aurantium] vulgaris).

The juice of the Citrus trifoliata fruits was used for several applications in the
I've been hired to do this. It was established that this would result in a
suitable for a wide variety of food preparations, according to bitter taste
with 65 % sugar.

The skins of the fruits can be used much better.
1 kg = 33 1/3 % shells were obtained from 3 kg of fruit, which were then

and then carefully squeezed out from the inside of the product.
Fruit pulpe, housing of the seeds and the largest part of the albedo
have been liberated. The shells prepared in this way, which had become considerably thinner

were thoroughly washed in cold water and finally washed into a

3 percent saline solution. In this condition, the shell stayed long. After a short time they took --- since they were gradually losing saline solution-- have been 'permeated' with 'light' -' and got a transparent appearance.
At the same time, they are used to absorb the sugar during the later
further treatment made particularly suitable -. Now, the processing of the
the pre-treated shells into a cake spice, which is then
of the type of the famous "citronate", "orangeate" or the one from cedar citrons
prepared to steal "Sukkade". For this purpose the shells has been watered so long under repeated changing of the water, until in the waste water there is no more cooking salt in the taste was perceived.

Then the shells were blanched. They were in a kettle completely covered with water and boiled. After a short time
the water that contained the last traces of the cooking salt,
the kettle again filled with water, and the shells were
again cooked bubbly for about half an hour to 1 hour. As soon as they are

the cooking was interrupted. Meanwhile, an approximately
30proz sugar solution prepared, with which the blanched shells in
were watered with earthen pots. Since the next day the sugar solution
had become weaker in concentration, she was pulled off,
boiling up to 33% sugar content and put back to the shells.
The sugar content was adjusted to the same way each
day by about 6%, until it finally reaches about
was 70 %. In this solution, the shells are probably endless storable.
The shells of citrus trifoliata fruits which have been stored in Sugar.
could be candied in the same way as citronate or candied orange peel
or glaze. The finished products were very aromatic, and had


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