Here a picture of my lasted Trifeola (Minneola x Poncirus or Poncirus x Minneola) seedlings. I pollinated with Staraji from Ilya. As you see three to four are monofoliate. Seedlings are from one fruit. They are somewhat weak because the fruit fell off unripe and seeds were immature. But now the seedlings start to grow better (under artificial light).
My Trifeola is a beautiful plant with big glossy leaves and beautiful flagrant flowers. The fruits, however, are never fully ripe at the end of the year and taste horribly bitter. Yet, I believe it is usefull for breeding.
The seedlings are not my first Trifeola seedlings. But its hard to tell how many were zygotic in the past. Some assumedly zygotic seedlings later looked uniform. Some assumed zygotic seedlings were to weak to finally survive. My experience with Trifeola seedlings is very limited.