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Messages - Willthomas76

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Fujikawa sounds like a winner down here! I am very interested once you can spare some scions and willing to pay.
 I am off of facebook but still have messenger.  I decided to take a hiatus while going through a process with the VA.

Thanks Brad.  I am very interested in Fujikawa.  I have a Nishikawa grafted onto my Hass and it has really taken off in one year.  Are you still on messenger?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking for HAWAIIAN AVOCADOS SCIONS?
« on: October 09, 2021, 12:54:57 PM »
I would like to purchase some Hawaiian variety avocado scions such as Kahalu'u, Greengold, Nishikawa, Sharwil etc.  I have these varieties but my trees are very small and most are not fruiting. I would like to share them with my FB group members as well.  I plan to do Fall and Spring purchases .  Please inbox me or reply if anyone has these for sell.  Thanks

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: For Sale: Loquat Cuttings
« on: October 09, 2021, 12:49:10 PM »
I graft loquat year round as well.  Not for inexperienced grafters though.  Everything you said is spot on!  No need to use such larger scions.  2 to 3 buds is plenty.  Its so honest of you as a seller to let your buyers know that.  I do the same when selling scions and I also add extra.  I would like to buy from you this spring.  I have a Big Jim with 3 China Doll grafts on it.  I would like to add more

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: For Sale: avocado scionwood
« on: October 09, 2019, 10:25:25 PM »
Is it too late?  I wanted to experiment/try grafting in the Fall. Interested in Jan Boyce, Pinkerton, and Mexicola

I have had plenty of cherry grafts take this year, a few even flowering (Bing, Ranier, Lapins, Stella, Utah Giant, and Heirloon Pie) but only 2 or 3 of these varieties are known to produce fruit in San Diego County with our limited chill hours. 
Anyone have Royal Lee or Minnie Royal scions for sale?  Or a dwarf rootstock tree of either kind for sale?

I was thinking 3 to 5 gallon.  Would you go smaller?

 About 50% of the grafts are pushing.  I learned a grafting hack about 2 weeks after that were far more successful for me.  Adding a wet paper towel inside the clear plastic bag that I cover the graft with.

I tried City Farmers but they looked like they never heard of it.  I'll look into ONG.  Where is ONG located?

Anyone know where I can find a Barbados Cherry tree in San Diego County?  The bigger the better, as I am not patient enough to wait 5 years for fruit.  Exotica in Vista does not have them at the moment and the plants on eBay are rather small.


I'll pm you

Anyone in San Diego County or SoCal know where I can purchase the following to use as a hedge In my front yard here in Chula Vista:

Black and Red Surinam Cherry
Pineapple, Lemon, and Strawberry Guava

I am looking  for a good price as I need to purchase a few of each variety.  I may even consider purchasing small seedlings or cuttings and waiting longer for the fruit if I have to.


I have one Reed grafted onto a seedling that is pushing.  The rest of my grafts are less than 2 weeks so time will tell..

I have Hass Budwood to trade for freestone Nectarine budwood or other Avocado varieties. I am in Chula Vista, CA.

Email is

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Reed Avocado tree Weeping?
« on: February 16, 2018, 09:57:10 PM »
It has been staked on 2 sides all along and it's wanted to slump over.  It still produced EXCELLENT fruit last year and has seven this year.  I was wondering if tying the branches to a trellis won't help the stem get more sunlight/energy.  I admit that I got that idea from a YouTube video

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Reed Avocado tree Weeping?
« on: February 15, 2018, 09:55:40 AM »
Thanks for replying and to Greg, I understand the weeping branches holding fruit but I was concerned because the entire tree weeps i.e. the center stem and branches with no hanging fruit.

I think I will try the 2x4 or trellis solutions

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Reed Avocado tree Weeping?
« on: February 14, 2018, 08:00:04 PM »
Does anyone else's have a Reed Avocado tree that weeps badly?  My Reed was purchased as a 15 gallon 1 year ago.  It has 7 avocados on it and other than being slumped over it looks really healthy. I saw a video where a guy supports his weeping varieties on a trellis.  I will post a picture when I get home later.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: reed Avocado scion wanted to buy
« on: February 11, 2018, 09:13:16 PM »
I live in Chula Vista.  What do you have to trade?  I may be able to spare a few scions

I am looking for various types of Apple budwood to graft onto a mature Apple tree in my backyard.  We don't know or care for this variety however, it is a prolific producer on a well established rootstock.  I have Hass Avocado scions for trade or I can pay.  Please message me as I would like to graft ASAP.


Can you provide the contact I formation on who you got it from?  I am interested as well.

I want to try grafting various avaocado varieties onto my existing trees.  I have  Hass, Bacon, Fuerte, and Reed already.  I'm interested in Pinkerton, Lamb Hass, Naval, and others.  I could trade but I prefer a trade as most of my trees are 15 Gallon. Except 1 24+ gallon Hass which has produced 100's last year. Please text Will at 619-398-6005

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