Some good input here from you all
Seams like kutjensis requires less girth then zibethinus to be mature.
I will see how thick our kutjensis are when they mature. Will be interesting to see.
I wounder too if it needs cross pollination, zibethinus x kutejensis hybrids excist so they can pollinate each other but maybe zibethinus pollen isn’t as good as kutejensis pollen for kutejensis. Are there other kutejensis trees around?
I think age can be missleading because i have a few trees that are the same age but not same size, some are double the size. And when I asked people long ago usually good farmers said 5 years from seed to first harvest and casual gardeners gave me 8-10 years probly because their trees don’t grow as well and does not get to maturity size as fast as the good farmers trees.
If we know dimnesions for maturity then we can plan easier or change practices.
Hypothetically, if I knew that 250mm girth and 5cm branch is enough to make a tree/branch mature then if I have a zibethinus tree at 250mm girth 1m above the soil with plenty of 5cm branches but no flowers then I would know there is something i need to correct. Maybe not enough sun, to much or to little water or low EC soil or to high EC soil or some deficiency.
Tropo, Maybe over 200mm for zibethinus is a fair estimate, if the tree has good sun, water and decent soil. None if mine at 130-150mm have flowered.
Would be good with some solid data on this.
Interesting that it might be biomass or leafnodes that can help detmine how far of to maturity in avocado trees. Avocado flowers are born on the end of branches which is different from zibethinus so this might not be applicable to zibethinus.