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Messages - Galatians522

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As a point of reference, if I remember the info from the Indian study correctly, the mango trees treated with the foliar phosphorus spray had 1-2 points higher average brix. Definitely enough to taste, but not enough to do back flips over. That % might be a lot higher if the tree was defficient in phosphorus. Apparently, phosphorus and calcium are the two main factors affecting brix. Har actually stated in a recent youtube clip from Truly Tropical that he recommends applying gypsum even to mangos planted in lime rock soil because the ph make it hard for the tree to absorb the calcium. The Calcium in gypsum (calcium sulfate) is available to the plant regardless of ph.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Pineapple thread
« on: September 06, 2024, 10:21:42 PM »
Also, properly ripened pineapple is on par with mango in taste--absolutely amazing.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Does ph level influence flavor in mango?
« on: September 06, 2024, 10:19:41 PM »
I read a research article from India once that demonstraited that nutritional sprays could increase fruit brix in mango. I think it was phosphorus. Interestingly enough, phosphorus becomes unavailable at high ph levels.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: My guava refuses to bloom . . . .
« on: September 06, 2024, 10:08:41 PM »
My guess is that you got a seedling tree somehow. It should start fruiting once it ends its juvenile phase. Guava seedlings from named varieties typically produce good fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: September 06, 2024, 10:04:51 PM »
Great info Galatians, that's amazing about the "wine diamonds". You've given me confidence to investigate wild grapes further. Lost all my grapes this year to critters (again) so that will likely be the only way to have any!

RS, I am glad that someone found all this useful. Grapes are a wildlife favorite, that is for sure! I think I am liking cold press better for wild grape juice. Yield is less, but the juice has better flavor.

Nice pictures, Luke. I really liked Wayne. Sounds like we visited him about the same time. I was there in May of 2017. I didn't take any pictures, but was also amazed by the size of the fruits. I hope the articles are helpful in getting your cherimoyas to fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Wild berry ID
« on: September 03, 2024, 01:20:59 PM »
That is Pepper vine. Don't eat it. While the berries probably won't kill you, they contain an oxalate that stings your throat like raw taro--not as strong but similar. That is where the name pepper vine comes from.

I think we could fruit any Cherimoya with the right cultural care. It would need to defoliate in September and bloom in October so that the fruit could develop over the cool part if the year and then finish ripening in April before things got too hot.
Has anyone attempted this September defoliation method for Cherimoya in a warm region yet? It sounds promising.
September has arrived and I’ve been considering defoliating my cherimoya to try to induce flowering. Anyone trying that this year? Does stripping leaves from a single branch work or does it need to be all/most branches?

You should be able to do individual branches. I will havr to wait to try this on my seedling cherimoya until it starts blooming. On a similar note, I do have bloom on a single branch of my Painter Cherilata where I cut it back about a month ago.

Lots of blooms happening. No one with fruit.

I realize that my views are not conventional on this topic. When I read the original comment, I pondered whether to share the results of my research or not. I was fairly certain that people would question it unless I had pictures of my own tree. Skepticism is understandable. Since other people had similar questions, I decided to share what I had learned inspite of this.

First, John Painter's cherimoya tree did get production of poorly formed fruits that fully ripened at about tennis ball size for many years here in Florida. Popenoe apparently reported similar results. Fruit is possible here even though they are poorly formed and production is very low. I believe that with a proper understanding of the problem and the correct cultural care the issue can be solved. I have based my comments and thinking on two scientific papers. The first was a study done in Japan detailing the exact effects of heat stress on cherimoya. It is 108 pages. I have not re-read it, but as I recall heat stress was most harmful to mid-size fruit. This explains why typical season cherimoya fruits stay small in Florida--mid size fruits in May get zapped by the heat.

If fruits could be produced in the off season, our weather would be moderate and within the range that would not cause heat stress. This is where the second article came in. It is a description of the procedures for prodicing off season cherimoya in Spain. While I am not certain of the exact timing for Florida conditions because I have not had the opportunity to experiment with that, yet, the logic is sound and science based. I have linked both articles for anyone who would like to draw their own conclusions.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Why isn't my bougainvillea flowering?
« on: September 02, 2024, 10:19:12 PM »
That is a small plant in a tiny pot. I would put it in the ground and wait.

I think we could fruit any Cherimoya with the right cultural care. It would need to defoliate in September and bloom in October so that the fruit could develop over the cool part if the year and then finish ripening in April before things got too hot.
Has anyone attempted this September defoliation method for Cherimoya in a warm region yet? It sounds promising.
September has arrived and I’ve been considering defoliating my cherimoya to try to induce flowering. Anyone trying that this year? Does stripping leaves from a single branch work or does it need to be all/most branches?

You should be able to do individual branches. I will havr to wait to try this on my seedling cherimoya until it starts blooming. On a similar note, I do have bloom on a single branch of my Painter Cherilata where I cut it back about a month ago.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: how common are fruit trees in the wild
« on: August 31, 2024, 01:28:51 PM »
Regarding the technique for finding wild fruit trees, I would recommend looking in "transition zones" and along wildlife trails. Wild animals eat most of the same fruits that we humans are looking for, and they often follow the same trail from the water hole to the "cafeteria." I have found several groves of wild fruit this way. Lacking a good wildlife trail, I would search "transition zones" where topography, soil, or tree cover changes from one type to another. Those are the most common areas to find productive fruit trees in the wild. Another good plan is to, follow a stream. Native people's used them as roads for centuries. Their meal scraps often included fruit seeds and I think that accounts for at least part of the reason I find more fruit trees along water courses. High ground areas that would have made good campsites are the most promising. You may need to zig zag back and forth (always coming back to the stream) to do a thorough search and find these spots, though.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Citrus on Wampee
« on: August 31, 2024, 06:57:36 AM »
There is an old study that was done on this. As I recall citrus on wampee is a no go. The reverse (wampee on citrus) can work for a little while (I think the longest lived combinations petered out at about 10 years old).

Should have queried about it before grafting. What's doable on a wampee as root then?

Based on what I remember of the study and no personal experience, I would just stick to Wampee.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Citrus on Wampee
« on: August 30, 2024, 09:54:07 PM »
There is an old study that was done on this. As I recall citrus on wampee is a no go. The reverse (wampee on citrus) can work for a little while (I think the longest lived combinations petered out at about 10 years old).

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2nd best ficus fruit?
« on: August 28, 2024, 08:15:02 AM »
Interesting. I've eaten the little strangler fig fruits from our Florida native species. They were not bad, but they weren't really good either. Sweetness was the main component that was lacking.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Little ID help
« on: August 28, 2024, 08:05:12 AM »
I would say that its an atemoya that retained more of the cherimoya characteristics. Technically, I think any cherimoya x sugarapple cross is an atemoya regardless of parentage %. I don't think its possible to say more than that without genetic testing anyway. For one thing, the fruit certainly looks closer to Atemoya. However the leaves look closer to cherimoya. But, its not outside the range of what Atemoya leaves can look like. When we grew a bunch of Atemoya seeds out several years ago about 25% had cherimoya type leaves, 50% had the intermediate atemoya shape, and the other 25% had leaves like sugarapple just a little bigger.

I would add Okrung to Simon's list of poly mangos that tasted similar/excellent from seed.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango Fertilizer sans Nitrogen
« on: August 25, 2024, 01:36:09 PM »
Typically, my Dad uses it as a foliar spray. However, he has sprinkled it lightly around under the drip line and let the irrigation/rain water it in.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: August 24, 2024, 11:25:09 PM »
A quick taste review on some Florida Muscadine (vitis munsoniana) juice that I made this past week. I'd been watching a vine on the side of the road as I drove back and forth to work. It was absolutely loaded.

 So, last Friday I stopped and picked about 10 cups of grapes in about 15 minutes. I picked clusters instead of individual berries, so it went fast even though the berries are small. This is one advantage with the Florida Muscadines--all the grapes in a cluster tend to ripen at the same time. As is usually the case, these were on the tart side (the sweeter vines usually get picked by the critters early in the season).

After washing, I crushed the grapes (stems and all) in an old fashoned cone and pestle. I poured the juice in a jelly bag and let it drip overnight in the fridge. The juice was pretty tart (as expected). So, I sweetened the juice to taste with some sugar and diluted with a little water. I think I got about 2 cups.

Wow! It was excellent! The flavor was about 3/4 red grape 1/4 foxy ("Welches grape juice"). It was a little bit of work to pick the grapes and make the juice, but I think most people would like it if they tried it.

One other neat thing is that since the grapes were high in acid, some tartaric acid crystals (they look like kosher salt flakes) actually settled out of the juice when I added the sugar. I had heard of this happening, but its the first time I've ever actually seen it. Apparently, these crystals can continue to grow into "wine diamonds" under the right circumstances. Who knew?!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2024 FL Mango Season
« on: August 18, 2024, 09:55:30 PM »
The last half dozen Nam Doc Mai from the tree I planted at 13 are ripening on the shelf. Most have dropped by now, but the ones that hang this long are amazing.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: August 17, 2024, 09:15:16 PM »
I have no experience grafting grapes but I have six varieties to experiment with. Thank you for the idea!

I've had pretty good success with bunch grape hybrids so far. Muscadine grafting is on my to do list.  Here is the best description I have found.

Do you guys think those grapes would do well in the far south homestead area? I’m really interested in growing grapes but I have exactly zero experience

I don't know how muscadines do that far south. They do fine here in central Florida. The Calusa grape in my picture is a wild grape native to the peninsular part of the state including your area. So, yes it would do well down there. Its big, but its not really a fresh eating grape. Most of them are pretty tart. So, I use it for juice. I think the juice is good, but it has a wild grape flavor that not everyone will appreciate. In the past, people have posted pics of Tari's Burgundy growing well down there. Its a hybrid grape that has Calusa grape in its genetics. Its origin is not known for sure, but I believe it's one of Joseph Fennell's hybrids from 100 years ago that survived and got renamed. The trouble with Teri's Burgundy is that its hard to find a source to purchase the vine. I finally found someone here that has one in their back yard. But, they have not respinded to the note I left on their door.  :(

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carambola
« on: August 15, 2024, 08:54:31 PM »
I had to transplant a starfruit earlier this year while it was actively growing. A friend was coming to pick it up after I had grafted it, but when I went to grab it from the nursery, I discovered that it had rooted down into the soil and needed to be repotted immediately. It did survive and is now growing happily at my friends house. But, it did drop quite a few leaves. It would probably have been much better if I could have waited until it were dormant (i.e. not actively growing). It was in "typical" potting soil if that makes any difference. By way of comparison, similar treatment killed my first ever successful mango graft. So, I am always careful about transplanting tropicals that are actively growing, now.

Hey D, I came accross an article that might interest you and thought I would give this thread a bump. It looks like University of Arkansas researchers have been growing muscadines from hardwood cuttings. Success rate depends on cultivar, cutting size (bigger is better), and time of year (November being the best moth to take the cuttings).

On another note, did you ever get a chance to identify your pink grape vine? Here is a pic of some Calusa grapes I picked back in June--they ripen pretty early in the season. You can compare to the two store bought green grapes at the top of the picture. Also, there are some leaves that got flipped over so you can see the felty underside.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carambola
« on: August 13, 2024, 10:19:32 PM »
Its best to transplant them when they are dormant. They have been pretty tough and forgiving of repotting in my experience.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida's Forgotten Rare Fruits
« on: August 13, 2024, 10:17:51 PM »
A little more rambling on the native muscadines before I move on to something else. One thing I have noticed is that the Florida Muscadines (V. munsoniana) that grow in low lying areas tend to ripen earlier than the ones in the scrub. The other interesting thing I've noticed is that the ones on high ground tend to be sweeter. Neither of these is a hard and fast rule, but it does seem to apply generally.

So, what uses can this awesome vine be put to (other than a trail side snack)? Its my opinion that cultivated muscadines would benefit from being grafted to our Florida native muscadines. The historic Florida grape pioneer Dr. Charled Demko observed that cultivated muscadines fruited better and earlier when grafted to vines with native genetics. This makes sense when you consider that most of the genetics for cultivated muscadines come from the northern end of the range where the soils are less drought and flood prone. The native vines can grow everywhere from bayhead (swamp) that is flooded for 3 months of the year to dry "beach sand." In fact, few plants have a wider adaptability.

If it works so much better why don't we see grafted muscadines? I think that answer comes down to propagation. Muscadines are easy to layer (bury a vine in damp sand and it grows roots) and comparatively difficult to graft. I don't know if they really are hard to graft because I have yet to try, but Demko did not seem to have trouble grafting them. However, he was grafting 2 year old seedlings. So, I think the best method to try is green grafting. We'll see if my theory pans out after I get a chance to try some grafting.

Finally, grafting probably becomes more imperative the further we get from wild material. So, something like Nobel probably doesn't need grafting. But a higher quality low vigor vine like Supreme would probably benefit greatly from a vigorous rootstock. On the far end of the spectrum, I am guessing that some of theses new seedless muscadines like Razzmatazz or OhMy! Will absolutely need to be grafted if we are going to grow them here in Florida easily. Do any of you have experience grafting muscadines?

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