I haven't been able to find much information on the details of intermittent mist propagation searching google so I thought I'd ask here. It seems like there are several variables available to tune:
Time between mistingI would guess that this needs to be short enough that the water on the leaves doesn't dry out. Is it possible to have the time between misting be too short? How do I know if it is too short?
Misting durationSeems like this needs to be long enough that the leaves are coated in the tiny water droplets. How do I know if I have this set too short?
Mist droplet sizeI think I have understood that finer is better. Maybe a fogger is optimal? How large of a droplet size can one get away with? How would you know if the droplets are too big?
Shade clothIt seems like all the setups I have seen have some type of partial shade. How much shade do I need? How do I know if I have too much or not enough?
Media to stick cuttings inI have found examples of people using 100% vermiculite, 100% perlite, 100% horticultural sand. I imagine if I find that my cuttings are rotting at the bottom I should use a coarser medium. Are there any other considerations?
Of course there is also the type of cutting (hard wood/soft wood), leaves or no leaves, the species' callous temperature, and rooting hormone to take into account.
Are there any other tricks or knobs I'm over looking?
I recently cobbled together my own intermittent mist system and am starting to experiment with it. I used drip irrigation mist emitters 3/4 gal per hour because I had them and the drip irrigation tubing is so easy to work with. I'm not sure what percentage any of the shade cloth is that I used.