Author Topic: Experience with Nocellara de Belice Olive? aka, Castelvetrano  (Read 436 times)


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    • US, Inland Empire, Zone 9a
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Does anyone have any experience with this Olive variety? Any potential scion material sources other than Fruitwood or OneGreenWorld? Even a review of OneGreenWorld would be fantastic as I have not personally used them before.

I purchased scion that failed to root from Fruitwood last year and usually if something fails I leave it until next season, but I can't stop pining for this variety of Olive. I need more evergreens in my yard anyways so I am thinking of swallowing the cost at One Green World $45 a tree, but I have never purchased from them before.

Thanks in advance!
It's always a good day when you get to plant a tree.


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