The update nobody asked for! I am sending out seeds to those who requested tomorrow, everyone will get another species in addition to their Agapetes serpens seeds, If I send you a fruit DO NOT EAT it- just plant it they are old
I have found a bunch more of these around they bay area in greenhouses and botanic gardens, I have also found two reliable vendors for (primarily) Agapetes species- Far Reaches Farm ( and the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (
Here are the plants!
Agapetes cauliflora-
Agapetes hookeri
Agapetes hosseana
Agapetes manii-
Agapetes rubrobracteata NV101
Agapetes serpens "Nepal Cream"-
Agapetes smithiana-
Agapetes spp. SEH#25095
Agapetes sp. nova-
Cavendishia melastamoides-
Cavendishia micayensis-
Ceratostema rauhii-
Ceratostema aff zamorana-
Disterigma rimbachii
Macleania coccoloboides
Macleania cordifolia
Macleania insignis
Macleania spp.-
Macleania spp.-
Satyria panamurensis-
Vaccinium chaetothrix-
Some wooden air pots I have made to house them (still trialing a few designs)-
If anyone is local and wants to know where to find these send me a PM