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Topics - Johnny Eat Fruit

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My 10 year old Yosemite Gold mandarin tree on C-35 root stock is loaded this year (see attached photos). The tree is now just over 10 years old and now seems to to be a consistent alternative bearer of fruit, something most mandarin trees are. What's interesting is when the tree was younger it produced a steadily large crop for 4-5 years but now it has matured has grown alternative. Likely will get very little fruit in 2026. The 2nd photo was taken from my roof top to show all of the fruit on the upper half which is often difficult to see.


Yosemite Gold Mandarin Tree (11-29-2024)

Yosemite Gold as seen from Roof Top (11-29-2024)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Just ate my first Seacrest Mango for 2024
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:01:33 PM »
For our friends in Florida there season has just ended but for California our season has just began. Just ate my first Seacreast mango and it was fantastic. I detected some citrus component but it was totally different from a perfectly ripe Lemon Zest. The Seacrest has a deep orange color in the flesh with excellent richness. It was very sweet but with a complexity not evident in LZ. The long hang time with a lack of rain in SoCal might concentrate flavors more so than in Florida, just speculation. The first photo shows some of my Seacrest on on lower right with Coconut Cream on the lower left. CC ripens later than Seacreat at my Location. I have 20+ Seacrest on my tree. Not sure how many Coconut Cream mangoes are on my multi grafted tree but if I were to guess it would be about 20 or so. This tree is eight years old.

Just picked a few Sweet Tart mangoes from my tree. The one I had two weeks ago was excellent. This tree is also eight years old. (See 2nd photo)

Guava is also doing well with several grafts on various trees all producing Fruit. (See 3rd photo as a example)

ValCarrie has a few fruit Ripening on my tree. The right half on the tree is ValCarrie. The left half is Orange Sherbet for a 2022 graft which is growing very strong. (See 4th photo)

This is the first year I have fruit from my Buttercream graft from 2020. Have five fruit (See Photo). I also grafted this variety to several other trees this year so looking foward to more fruit in future years.

My Zill M4 Mango Seedling tree that I started in July 2023 is now 46" tall and has grown very well. I just recently took it out of the greenhouse and upottted it to a #7 pot. (See photo) Grafted it to one of my in ground trees and looking foward to fruit in 3-4 years.

Many other grafts are growing well but are to immature to produce fruit. Very impressed with the growth of Raw Honey (Shwehintha). This Mango tree from Burma Grows fast and upright with dark green Foliage an are highly disease resistant. This is grafted onto (3) different mango trees in my garden and all are growing very well. I even had to remove to few immature fruit this August from a 2022 graft. The new growth foliage is a beautiful purple growth. (See Purple Growth on th last photo, Top middle) This variety seems well suited for California based on my experience so far.

Seacrest and CC Mangoes (9-13-2024)

Sweet Tart Mango Tree (9-13-24)

Guava ripening Mangoes (9-13-2024)

Orange Sherbet and ValCarrie Mango Tree (9-13-24)

Buttercream Mangoes

Zill M4 Mango Seedling Tree (9-13-2024)

Multi Grafted Mango Tree (9-6-2024)

For anybody interested I just picked up several boxes of Alphonso's that were just air freighted in from India. The season is short but they shoud be around for about two weeks more. I purchased the mangoes at Pioneer cash and carry in Artesia for $48 a box. They also has some Keslar's mangoes there for what I think was $42 a box but the Alphonso is my favorate and the King in my opinion.


My four-year-old Seacrest mango graft is loaded with fruit now. (See 1st Photo) This follows the trend I saw last year with this variety. This year it looks to be my most productive mango I grow. Anybody growing mangoes in California should have a Seacrest. It’s vigorous, disease resistant, a early ripening variety with excellent taste and has great fruit production. In other words, it checks all of the boxes to be successful in SoCal. Hope to start harvesting in late September as we are about 90 days behind Florida. Also it's interesting Coconut Cream growing on the same Seacrest Tree had good flowering but appears to have produced only a fraction of the fruit. See all of branches to the left of the seacrest fruit which are CC. 

My early assessment of Sweet Tart looks good. I already have small developing fruit and more blooms have formed in May making an extended harvest possible this year. (See 2nd photo)

Angie, Guava and Peach Cobbler all look good this year in terms of Production. My favorite of the three in terms of taste is Angie. A California grown Angie is really hard to beat but last years Seacrest tied with a different flavor profile. The only problem with Angie it is it is a relatively low vigor tree. It grows much more slowly overall but for it’s size produces very well and is precious. 


Seacrest Mango Graft with many small fruit (5-24-2024)

Sweet Tart Mango Tree (5-24-2024)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Peach Cobbler Mangoes & Sharwil Avocado Graft
« on: September 24, 2023, 07:39:50 PM »
Thought I would post a few interesting photos from a few of my fruit trees.

The First photo show a multi grafted mango tree but the right branch is a Peach Cobbler graft from 2020 with is holding a number of fruit. I also have PC grafted onto another tree with adddational fruit developing. This variety apears to be well suited to California.

The second photo shows my (3) year old Carmen avocado tree with a recent Sharwil Graft. The 3rd photo shows the Sharwil graft Close-Up which was grafted in July 2023 and growing very well. Very happy how this graft turned out. It's nice to have a type "B" avocado grafted onto a type "A".


Multi Grafted Mango with Hanging Peach Cobbler fruit

Carmen Avocado Tree planted in 2020

July 2023 Sharwil Avocado Graft to Carmen

For the benefit of our California growers I thought I would post a few phots of some mango trees showing various rootstock. The goal is to select robust rootstock to increase tree vigor. A healthy root system is a healthy tree. Our mango loving frends in Florida have no such problems but here in SoCal it is a issue because of our cool winter and spring tempatures.

The first (3) photos is a Selected Ataulfo seeding I started two years ago and is green house grown. I just took it out of the container to Up-Pot to a larger #15. As you can see from the root system is is very well developed. This tree is excellent rootstock for grafting.

The next photo is my grafted Orange Essence mango tree grafted to a strong ataulfo that I just moved to a larger #25 pot in Spring. Even after harvesting (6) OE scions from this tree in mid July it still is putting out a good flush now. This tree grows well at my location with no disease issues.

Next is my young Dot mango Tree. I just planted this in the ground in 2022 from a #7 pot and it just flushed. I did have some dieback in spring from this tree but I just cut out the die back limbs and it seems to be recovering well now.

Next up is my five year old Lemon Zest Mango Tree on Ataulfo rootstock. It is currenty starting a new growth flush. The rootstock is fine but the issue I have with this variety is the constant attack of Powerdy Mildew (PM) with this variety. For this reason I am in the process fo topworking this tree. Orange Sherbet thus far has no disease issues and is a attractive mango tree so it is a much better choice as is OE with even faster growth.

The last example is my 0-15 mango tree on manila rootstock. I grafted this in 2020 to a very small tree at the time and planted it in the ground in 2021. This seems to have grown well and just finished it's first flush. The rootstock is strong and long term I am optomistic. There are no disease issues at all.

Having strong mango rootstock and good draining soil gives you a fighting chance in the early years of growth.


Two year old Ataulfo Seedling Tree for Grafting (8-12-2023)

Ataulfo Lower Rootstock (8-12-23)

Ataulfo Lower Rootstock Exposed (8-12-23)

Orange Essence with new flush (8-12-23)

Young Dot mango tree with New Flush (8-10-2023)

0-15 mango tree on Manila rootstock (8-12-2023)

Lemon Zest on Ataulfo (8-10-23)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sweet Tart Mango Tree Producing in SoCal
« on: August 04, 2023, 08:18:34 PM »
My young Sweet Tart tree seems to be producing well this year. Walking around the tree I count 40+ fruit egg size or larger. Hopefully, most of them will hold until maturity.

Enclosed are a few photos from different angles to show the developing fruit. I hope to begin picking some in late September. In 2021 most of the fruit split and were lost. This year it seems to be less of an issue. I have somewhat reduced water application and do not fertilize until after the fruit ripens. Perhaps the tree is more mature and less prone to splitting. Grafted this Sweet Tart in 2016.

Is anybody else in SoCal that is growing this variety have good production this year.? It would be good to hear from others and compare production and growth.


Sweet Tart Mango Tree with Fruit (8-4-2023)

Sweet Tart - Top Half of Tree (8-4-2023)

Hey everybody,

If anyone is interested I have one Sweet Tart Mango Seedling Tree I started Growing in 2021 for Sale. It has been in my greenhouse and just recently completed a new flush. It appears to be a vigorous growing tree in a #5 pot. It is ready to go into the ground or a larger container. This is a top-tier variety but unfortunately, I am out of space and I already have another ST in the ground.

Enclosed are a few photos. If interested just message me with your contact #. Pick up only in OC.

The price is $110.



Tropical Fruit Discussion / Is this a Sugarloaf Mango Tree?
« on: December 28, 2021, 04:03:25 PM »
I purchased this mango tree several months ago from a seller on eBay from Florida. He indicated this Sugarloaf was grafted by a friend and he sells them at a local flea market. The seller claims the grafter is very reputable and had a high level of confidence this tree was indeed a sugarloaf.

Based on the photo and the flower formation can someone tell me if this looks like a Sugarloaf (E-4)?

Even in my greenhouse, this small tree is flowering but it does get cold (40-50F) at night. Interesting this is my only mango tree that is flowering so robustly in late December. I plan on using this tree as grafting material in 2022 on older more established mango trees already in the ground.



Sugarloaf Mango Tree

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Val-Carrie Mango Tree - Sold
« on: October 22, 2021, 04:33:36 PM »
Hey Everybody, I decided to part with my Val-Carrie mango Tree I grafted two years ago onto Manila rootstock. The tree is healthy with a very nice lower rootstock. It is in a (7) gallon container. My intention several years ago was to plant this in the ground but I have since run out of room in my yard and I have already grafted this excellent variety onto sever other older existing mango Trees. The key is this has been grafted to the right rootstock and should do very well once in the ground.


For Sale is my very nice and healthy grafted semi-dwarf Yosemite Gold mandarin Tree in a 7 gallon pot. I have taken good care of it with regular feedings of organic fertilizer. It is ready to go into the ground now. Should take off next year once established. The lower root system is well developed and very healthy. This is my favorite tangerine tree. The mother tree I grafted this from has been produced consistently for the past 7-8 years. Large seedless fruit with a sweet and very rich flavor. Excellent citrus tree.

Local pick-up in Huntington Beach, Calif. Cash only. Only one tree is available.

See the attached photos.

Price : $80 Firm (SOLD)

My five year old Sweet Tart mango tree has some good fruit set this year. I am hoping the tree is mature enough to produce well hear at my location consistently. I did some modest thinning of the fruit to eliminate excessive fruitlets on the limbs. Any body else out there in SoCal that has a sweet Tart mango growing.? Would be interesting to compare notes. If we get some warm-hot weather I hope to begin harvesting in late August. Temps have been fairly mild hear throughout spring.  Enclosed are a few recent photos.

Also my Val-Carrie and Peach Cobbler produced very well this year with heavy fruit set but I had to remove all of the small fruitlets on the two year old graft to focus the tree on vegetative growth of the tree. Mallika and Nam Doc Mai also produced fairly well. The big disappointment was Coconut Cream. Heavy flowering but no fruit set on my five year old CC. Perhaps next year.


Sweet Tart with Developing Fruit

Sweet Tart Mango Tree

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Oscar Mulberry Trees for Sale - SoCal
« on: September 03, 2020, 06:57:47 PM »
I have two Oscar Mulberry trees in 5-gallon pots for Sale at $45 each. They are very well rooted and ready to go into the ground. The original mother tree is located in Exotica Nursery in Vista Ca.

This is a newer hybrid variety that is utterly delicious. 

Local Pick-up only.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Two Mango Trees For Sale - SoCal
« on: September 03, 2020, 06:48:16 PM »
I originally bought these two mango trees from Florida as small (3) gallon trees. They have grown nicely since purchase. I used them for scion wood for grafting hence the sale. They are both excellent varieties.

1.  Son Pari in (5) gallon squat container. $110  (This was a stick when I bought it)

2.  Cac in (7) gallon container. $140

Only have one of each. There are ready to go into a larger container or in the ground. Local pickup only.

See the Photos for more details.



After nine years my Gold Nugget mandarin on C-35 has produced on one good crop. The tree is too tall, grows fast once established and requires constant maintenance to keep it under (14) feet.  By giving it a haircut every year this reduces new fruit production for the following season. The Gold Nugget also is alternative bearing like most mandarins but I found the fruit quality to be variable with some fruit being excellent and others to be dry and fibrous. My Yosemite Gold has both more reliable production and fruit quality and my Cara Cara Pink Navel produces excellent fruit each year with a much smaller foot print. In my view both of these trees are superior to the Gold Nugget.

If I had more room in the backyard and was to do it over again I might plant one Gold Nugget on semi dwarf Trifoliate root stock but there are other citrus trees that offer better long term consistency. 


If any body has Rich 16-16 Trifoliate Root Stock Seed please let me know. I am interested in purchasing some if possible.

Thank You


Citrus General Discussion / Gold Nugget Mandarin Problems
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:41:33 AM »
As my Gold Nugget Tree matures and produces more fruit I am finding the fruit quality to be somewhat inconsistent. I have noticed the larger fruit left on the tree until late April or May dry out and become uneatable. The smaller fruit that are less bumpy and have thin skin are excellent and are among the best I have tasted this season.  The gold Nugget has a lower juice content compared to most other mandarins but late in the season many fruit are drying out completely. When you get a good one it's wonderful but too many of my fruit are less than perfect, what a shame.

My Yosemite Gold mandarin is much more consistent so far with all of the fruit so far being juicy and having excellent flavor. Yes the Gold Nugget is sweeter and certain smaller fruit on the tree beat the Yosemite Gold but there is a high level of fruit variability with the Gold Nugget cultivar. I am throwing away most of the large Bumpy fruit and just eating the smaller, smooth skinned fruit on my 14 foot tall tree. It is almost like there is two varieties being produced from the same tree with one being great and the other being poor.   


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Venezuela Sapodilla Tree
« on: September 14, 2017, 08:10:09 PM »
Earlier this summer I purchased a 3 gallon Venezuela Sapodilla tree from Mimosa Nursery in L.A. I asked the owner what it was like and he indicated it was similar to Alano but the leaves are larger compared to the Alano Sapodilla.

Does anybody know anything about this cultivar?  I took a chance when I bought it but I like the way it looks and grows so far. No Idea on the fruit quality but any information would be appreciated.  At the time they had 8-10 of these Venezuela's along with some Morena's and Molix. At the time I purchased one of each to try. I already have an Alano and small Tikal.



Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are these Haden or Tommy Atkins?
« on: June 05, 2016, 08:07:44 PM »
I just purchased these with a PLU code of 4959 and they are from Mexico. They appear to be Haden but to be honest I am not sure as the Tommy's are similar in appearance. There average weight is 20-23 ounces. Can someone with more experience tell me for sure.

Was hoping to try to plant the seed and use it for root stock for lemon zest, sweet tart exct. I am currently using the Laverne Manila root stock but wanted to do a experiment and compare it to this fast grower if it is a Haden mango which I hope it is.

Thanks in advance


Tropical Fruit Discussion / The Amazing Dragon Fruit House
« on: November 01, 2015, 08:49:04 PM »
The other day I was driving my car in Garden Grove when I passed this house on a residential neighborhood on a major street in Orange County. I could not believe it as mature dragon fruit plants were around the entire perimeter of the house including the entire front yard and side yard. I returned today (Sunday) to take some photos and see if I could meet with the owner. Only the back yard, which is cemented in for a patio, did not have dragon fruit. 4 X 4 treated lumber was spaced about six feet going around the entire house and there were 3-4 rows back to back in the front yard. They were climbing on two dead palm tree trunks as well as sharing a living tree as you can see in the photo. The gentleman was very nice but spoke broken English. He indicated he has 22 different cultivars on this property. To me it looked like about 60-80 separate dragon fruit plants. There were hundreds of small potted plants he was also growing. I believe he sells cutting as a small business so I might go back later and ask for his top 3-4 varieties. He did indicate to me his personal favorite was a particular white variety that is very sweet. That is interesting as I always thought the Red dragon fruit has the best flavor. Everybody has a preference and that was his.

Side View of the House     

Growing on a Psalm Tree

The Proud Owner and Gardner

Climbing on Psalm Trees

Street View #1

Street View #2

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Recently Purchased 15 Gallon Hasya Sapodilla
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:04:11 AM »
I just purchased this Hasya Sapodilla and will be planting it shortly. It already has small fruit forming and the lower trunk diameter is about 1". I was going to nip off the fruit to encourage growth. The tree is 7' tall and the label indicates this was Pine Island Nursery stock. I bought it hear locally in Orange County for $300 which is the most I have ever paid for a fruit tree. I hope it grows well hear in the coastal zone of So. California. I live about 4-5 miles inland from the beach. Any idea how much growth I can expect yearly based on it's current size?.


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