« on: August 28, 2023, 06:13:36 PM »
Gone Troppo,
Of those that Steph mentions,we have Fairchild, M. casturi, and M.odorata. All over 35 years. The kuini is the most disease resistant for us, completely clean fruit,bears well every couple of years, very pretty tree in flower, flowers v.well,with large panicles of red, scented flowers. The casturi should be suitable for you, but it's out of its zone here. (1,000 metres altitude ) Grafted on indica, very healthy tree, but I haven't seen a single flower. Fairchild is a small, healthy,dense
tree,and bears very clean fruit as well. Articles on the internet will tell you that it is from Panama, but David Fairchild collected the seed from fruit he ate in Saigon, and sent them to the U.S. research station in Panama. So it's a Vietnamese cultivar. We have four other Vietnamese cultivars. Fairchild is the most disease resisitant of them. The seeds of Fairchild that I've opened were mainly mono,a couple were poly. Probably safer to graft it. Kuini is poly. I can send
seed of Kuini when it fruits next,or you can collect some scions of them if you're up this way sometime. Fairchild has small fruit,but fibreless and well-flavoured. I like the kuini as well, but probably too strong-flavoured for some.