Everything Else > Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles

chaya/cnidoscolus aconitifolius


Chaya or cnidoscolus aconitifolius/chayamansa (two species) contain cyanogenic glycosides and therefore must usually be cooked. However, there are plenty of recipes for drinks made with raw leaves. Some sources say that around 5 leaves a day raw should be fine (I still wonder whether is has an accumulative effect) or is it the acidic fruits they put in the drink? Most recipes ask for orange juice, pineapple lemon alone or in combination. Often traditional recipes eliminate certain toxins. Recipe (or one of them) Chaya or cnidoscolus aconitifolius/chayamansa (two species) contain cyanogenic glycosides and therefore must usually be cooked. However, there are plenty of recipes for drinks made with raw leaves. Some sources say that around 5 leaves a day raw should be fine (I still wonder whether is has an accumulative effect) or is it the acidic fruits they put in the drink? Most recipes ask for orange juice, pineapple lemon alone or in combination. Often traditional recipes eliminate certain toxins.


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