Yes, I have lots of ideas for future crosses, and I think a Morton x Bishop cross could be very good. Here's a small list of some crosses I may attempt next season:
Calamondin x Citrandarin (942, 1279, Bishop)
Kumquat x Citrandarin
Kumquat x Tai Tri
Clem-yuz x Citrandarin (942, 1279, Bishop)
Yuzu x Poncirus
Yuzu + Trifoliate (Carolina Chimera)
Yuzu x Tai Tri
Ichang Papeda x Poncirus
Ichang Papeda x Tai Tri
Ichang Papeda x Citrandarin (942, 1279, Bishop)
Your crosses sound very interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing them in the future!
Very cool!
I just collected seed from a Thomasville x clementine cross, waiting for germination on them. I don't think they'll be any more hardy than a satsuma, but they're the only cross I made that didn't drop when it failed to rain for the entire month of June...
My own 1279 graft looks to have a delayed failure of some kind so the crosses I was planning with it are going to have to wait. The same thing happened to the Bishop citradarin I had, but none of my other grafts, so something weird is going on with those two. In the meantime I'll likely be able to try some of:
Meyer lemon x Ichang papeda
Meyer lemon x Dunstan
Meyer lemon x Poncirus+
Ichang papeda x Ichang lemon (if the latter blooms, which it might)
Clementine x Dunstan
Clementine x US-802 (looks like it might bloom this spring)
Clementine x Poncirus+
Marumi x Dunstan
Marumi x Ichang papeda
Marumi x US-802 (if it blooms)
Marumi x Thomasville
Not sure these are the exact crosses I'll make, depends on bloom times and such, but that's the general idea. Bloomsweet, Ten Degree Tangerine, Poorman Orange, US-1516, US-852, and Taiwanica are all in the works to make crosses with as well, but I don't think they'll bloom this spring. A few others are on the list but won't be happening any time soon. I might pick up a 1279 and a Bishop citandarin from you if/when you offer them for sale again.
I've considered getting Excaliber Red Lime, SugarBelle (not sure about patents on that one though), Kiyomi, Cara Cara (pollen could be an issue though...) Eremo x Shek, Kishu, Ujikitsu, and Mineola for breeding with, but I doubt I ever actually will. If my satsumas ever actually produce pollen I'll be sure to try and mix them in with something, but again, I don't know if that'll ever actually happen.