brian and sc4001992,
I have a productive GN so can tell what I have.
GN fruits can stay on tree as long as you like, sure they get sweeter when kept on tree longer. I picked the last one in middle June with no puffiness. They always juicy and fresh.
Yes, they can taste like "sugar water" with no tartness, or sourness, etc. When compared, GN can be sweeter than if the fruits stay on tree long enough, but less flavorful than satsuma or clementine (But the preference to what flavors can be individually different. ). Yes, I would agree that if a "rich" taste is preferred, GN is not. When compared, I would think Sumo would be better. I heard Pixie is also very good.
I have tasted supermarket Irro and agree it should at least the same as or better than Sumo.
For the skin, if the fruits get very big, they usually gets the very bumpy rough skin.