Galatians522, nice detective work. i did some digging and found this passage from Ira Condit's 1947 book "
the fig"...
The principal interest in stocks for figs is directed to securing one resistant to root troubles, especially that caused by the root-knot nematode. No variety of the Ficus carica complex has so far been found which shows sufficient resistance to or immunity from root-knot to warrant using it as a stock. One species, however, has been found which does show immunity to nematode attacks. It was introduced from Australia by the United States Department of Agriculture under P. I. No. 52406 and was later identified as Ficus glomerata. Common figs grafted on this stock in Florida grew vigorously at first but later died out. The stock is tender, leaves being injured by only 4 or 5 degrees of frost. For these reasons interest in this species as a possible stock has abated.
eh, that's confusing.
in any case, it would be curious if a variety of ficus racemosa in australia was noticeably more graft compatible with carica than other varieties of racemosa. this would imply that the australian variety was a lot more closely related to carica than say the indian variety? this would indicate that either the australian racemosa or the other racemosas should be a different species.
i have a bunch of small seedling racemosas from seed that i purchased on ebay. no idea which variety of racemosa the seeds are from. i also have a 3' ficus racemosa that i bought as a noid. back in may, when i had no idea what it was, i grafted 3 small twigs from it onto my neighbor's big carica. the scions didn't do anything and i assumed they failed, but last week i noticed that 1 of the scions put out a couple of small leaves. i'm not sure what it means when it takes so long for a scion to push. maybe it was just because the scions were so small.
here are most of the ficus that i've tried grafting onto carica (all done this year) for the purpose of discerning compatibility/relatedness, ranked from 0 (fail) to 10 (success)...
ficus afghanistanica - 10
ficus auriculata - 1, surprising result given that it's been crossed with carica
ficus cocculifolia - 7?
ficus coronata - ?, recent graft
ficus dammaropsis - 2
ficus deltoidea - ?, recent graft
ficus erecta - 8, not very surprising since it's been crossed with carica
ficus formosana - 9
ficus gasparriniana - 4
ficus aff heterophylla - 9, looks closer to palmata
ficus ingens - 0
ficus lutea - 0
ficus opposita - 9
ficus palmata (hybrid?) - 10
ficus racemosa - ?
ficus sycomorus - 9
ficus sur - 1
ficus tannoensis - 10
ficus tikoua - 0
ficus umbellata - 1
ficus vaccinioides - 9
ficus vasta - 0
if you're signed into ourfigs you can see some pics here...
ficus carica's closest relatives in taiwan? not sure why i haven't tried pumila. perhaps because i already know it's graft and cross compatible?
the 1st time i saw the cross between pumila and carica it blew my mind. they seem so completely different. i still trip out when i look at vaccinioides happily growing on carica.
i spend all my time comparing my preliminary results to the ficus family tree, for example...
phylogenetic reconstruction of ficus subg. synoecia and its allies (moraceae), with implications on the origin of the climbing habit. honestly i'm not exactly sure how they create the cladogram. yeah they use genetics, but...
x = cladogram created using genetics
y = cladogram created using grafting
how much of a difference will there be between x and y?
in terms of nematodes, even if it is the case that vaccinioides is super compatible with carica, it probably wouldn't be very practical to use vaccinioides as a rootstock. but if vaccinioides and carica can be crossed, then perhaps the hybrid might work as a rootstock. and perhaps a backcross might work even better as a rootstock. then again, perhaps the backcross would have even tastier fruit than carica does.
having spent a considerable amount of time looking at the available ficus cladograms i'm under the impression that quite a few hybrids can, and should, be made with carica.
i recently tried injecting ficus fraseri pollen into carica, specifically fignomenal, using the syringe method. i'm not holding my breath. so far i harvested a couple figs. they had spoiled, but had a decent amount of seeds that sank, but it's only been around a week since i attempted to pollinate them, so i'm guessing that fraseri isn't the daddy. at least it will be interesting to see how many, if any, of the seedlings inherit the dwarfing and everbearing traits of fignomenal.
naturally we should try to develop the best tasting ficus for growing epiphytically. that's one way to deal with nematodes.
a couple ficus species that i'd suggest testing for carica compatibility are ficus montana and ficus ischnopoda.
both are available from the fairchild botanic garden. hmmm... ficus sagittata and ficus villosa might also be compatible with carica. they should be tested as well. i already have both though but neither is quite large enough to easily graft onto a carica.
here we are now, seemingly so modern, until we truly fathom that the surface has been just barely scratched in terms of fig progress. i think condit deserves credit for 1st crossing pumila and carica? he made the cross decades ago. i somehow missed the memo for most of my life. we can't stand on shoulders whose existence we are unaware of. this is how and why progress goes... bonk.
the solution, as i've mentioned previously, is to use donations (to this forum) to prioritize forum threads.